Change History

GeoCadastre V6.54    5 February 2025
  1. Exported ESRI Shape file for parcels now contain the parcel accuracy.
  2. Changed Road Centreline Lot function to add square connections at the start and the end
  3. The Insert Point dialog has an extra field to convert Google Maps points (Lat,Long) in decimal degrees to DDDMMSS format. Right Click on Gmap, left click on Lat,Long co-ord text to copy it to the Paste buffer. Now paste it into the Lat/Long field and press Conv button to convert it to DDDMMMSS format lat,long values.
  4. Some extra logging has been added for diagnosis of problems, See Program Settings/Advanced/Debug No, set to 1 to enable logging to a log file in the same folder as the Exceptions (usually c:\temp).
GeoCadastre V6.53    20 December 2024
  1. There is a new option in File/Program Settings/Advanced - Recent Jobs which allows you to set the number of recent jobs displayed on the File menu between 5 and 20 (default is 10).
  2. The Conversions/MapInfo/Read MapInfo File option has been changed to add a button to 'Load/Save Mappings'. This will Save the current Mappings to a file to read Mappings from a file
GeoCadastre V6.52    17 November 2024
  1. Changed the Join when accepting Append points so that it does not create duplicate points.
  2. Changed the Import MapInfo dialog for better display of MapInfo file column names.
  3. Fixed a problem when joining an appended parcel that ignored the height values on points.
GeoCadastre V6.51    28 August 2024
  1. A new option is available Tools/Lines/Reduce Parcel Lines. It will eliminate redundant data (usually digitised data) by looking at successive lines are if a point does not change direct, it may be eliminated. See the Help page for details.
  2. Added an extra check to detect reading .acs files with zero or negative length lines
  3. A new option has been added to read in ICSM json parcel files.
  4. A new option has been added to Replace Digitised Bdy. It will allow replacement of a sequence of lines on a parcel with lines from the adjacent parcel.
GeoCadastre V6.50    19 May 2024
  1. Fixed a problem editing parcels when 'Job Settings/Save Job on Parcel Change' was ticked.
  2. Fixed a problem in Cleanup job which incorrectly deleted line points on a ground floor parcel if that point was used by a no ground floor parcel
  3. Delete radiation option cannot delete a 997 line
  4. Fixed a problem with 'Mean Close Points' which caused all consecutive 'Mean Close Points' operations to be Undone
  5. Search for a point with F6 key now allows the (i) Properties button to display the point properties.
  6. Changed Shape File Export so that Historical Parcels are only exported if they are currently displayed
GeoCadastre V6.49    25 March 2024
  1. The point symbol size of the points on the Joining parcel have been changed to conform to the other points.
  2. Several other stability changes have been made
GeoCadastre V6.48    20 February 2024
  1. Fixed a problem with Pasting lines into the Lines screen when editing a parcel
  2. Fixed a problem with Topology Report error for unclosed parcel gave incorrect parcel name
GeoCadastre V6.47    31 January 2024
  1. A new option has been added to Transform the job to a new Projection/Zone.
    See the menu option Tools/Transforms/Transform to New Projection/Zone
  2. Fixed a problem with Topology Report error for unclosed parcel gave incorrect parcel name
  3. Exception Handling - An Exception is some illegal program code/data that causes the program to 'crash' or disappear.
    GeoCadastre will now write a 'GeoCadastre.dmp' file when it crashes.
    You can set where this file is stored in Program Settings/Advanced/Exception Settings
    When GeoCadastre is started again, it checks for a GeoCadastre.dmp file and if found displays a dialog which allows you to enter some info about the crash.
    This dialog can create a ZIP file, name format is (YYYY-MM-DD HH-MM-SS - GeoCadastre 6.47 -
    The zip file will contain:
    You can email the zip file to Mimaka for analysis of the problem.
    This approach should provide a much more precise handle on exactly what line of code caused the crash.
GeoCadastre V6.46    8 January 2024
  1. Fixed a problem in Joining parcels
GeoCadastre V6.45    27 November 2023
  1. Fixed a problem in Topology Report
  2. Add a tick box to Plan Examination Report to allow/disallow 'Check Digitised Line Accuracy'
GeoCadastre V6.44    18 September 2023
  1. Fixed a problem in parcel edit when clicking on points to insert line dimensions
GeoCadastre V6.43    28 August 2023
  1. Fixed a problem when joining first parcel in a one parcel job
GeoCadastre V6.42    12 July 2023
  1. Fixed a problem in Cleanup Job which reported an incorrect number of deleted points
  2. Fixed a problem with parcel editing if the parcel type was set to 0, it was erased
  3. Fixed a problem with export of ESRI shape files
GeoCadastre V6.41    21 April 2023
  1. The config file setting <gridFontName> is now used to set the font and <gridFontSize> is used to set the font size for the Edit Parcel Properties as well as the Lines grid
GeoCadastre V6.40    28 March 2023
  1. Several security and housekeeping changes made
GeoCadastre V6.39    6 March 2023
  1. Fixed a problem with Print Screen option that could crash the program
  2. Fixed a problem with misclose calculation on very large parcels using true mid bearings
  3. Fixed a problem with Plan Examination incorrectly listing line type 999 as an error
GeoCadastre V6.38    5 January 2023
  1. The Read LandXML ePlan File option will now copy the 'ptref' values to the Point Name field if they are not the same as the point number
  2. A new config option <saveLandXMLPointNames>Yes</saveLandXMLPointNames>
  3. option has been added to display the point names after the point number '123(ABC)' if present. See the file 'GeoCadastreConfig_NSWLPMA_20201218.xml' line 37 for an example
  4. The Write ESRI Shape File option has been improved to output parcels with 997 lines as multiple 'rings'
  5. A new button has been added to the Edit Control Point - 'Show Lat/Long Details. It will display the co-ords of the point in other datums.
  6. Fixed a problem with the Extra Tools/Connections from Road Lot option
  7. Fixed a problem with new parcel lines not being displayed
GeoCadastre V6.37    11 November 2022
  1. The parcel closure report now issues a warning that the area calculations will be approximate if there is no job datum or no valid job centroid
  2. The Edit Parcel/Check Parcel dialog now issues a warning that the area calculations will be approximate if there is no job datum or no valid job centroid
  3. The Square Offset option has been improved to allow entry of a centre point to display arc distances to the Intersection Point
  4. Fixed a problem with entering Plan Extra attributes
GeoCadastre V6.36    31 October 2022
  1. Fixed a problem with Ctrl/Z (Undo) from a Line Point change
  2. Line accuracy values are now written to the .acs file even when the same value as the parcel accuracy
  3. Fixed a problem when appending large files that could cause GC to appear to hang
  4. Help/Contents option now displays the comprehensive Contents web page
  5. Added an new option Help/Index to display the search index
  6. The Cleanup Job/Mean Close Points has been improved to do multiple passes for complex jobs with many close points.
GeoCadastre V6.35    22 August 2022
  1. Fixed a problem in parcel editing that could corrupt a point co-ords.
GeoCadastre V6.34    1 August 2022
  1. A new option has been added to Program Settings to 'Save Conversion File to Job Folder'. This works only Export landXML file option to set the export file name to the job name with a .xml extension.
  2. Fixed a problem with panning by pressing the mouse wheel. It used to get into a funny mode if the mouse was moved outside the GC window. That has been fixed.
  3. The Adjustment dialog now remembers the 'Include Easements, Include Historical and Include Strata settings in the job file
  4. Improved the speed of loading the Control Points dialog
  5. When editing a parcel you can now use Ctrl/End to move to the last line, Ctrl/Home to move to the first line.
  6. Fixed a problem with editing some parcels with curves which displayed a 'Struct Error'
  7. Edit Parcel - scrolling with the mouse wheel or the scroll bar is now much smoother.
  8. Fixed a problem with Modify Line Point/Make Point a Node Point if the Line point was selected by right clicking on a line point.
  9. Fixed a problem in 'Fix Multi-Part Parcel Names' option that could crash the program
GeoCadastre V6.33    1 July 2022
  1. Fixed a problem with Advanced Clean/Compress Point Numbers
  2. Fixed a problem with right click menu not being displayed on 2nd screen for Parcel Explorer
  3. Fixed a problem with Cleanup Job/Mean Close Points
GeoCadastre V6.32    15 May 2022
  1. Fixed a problem that could crash the program if running an adjustment with too many parcels
  2. The Right Mouse click menu has been changed to add a '*' to a parcel if it is selected. This makes it easier to see which parcels have been selected when you have many historical parcel overlapping.
  3. Improved the clickability of control points where there are many points nearby. When a point is clicked it will be made visible in the Control List
  4. When editing parcel lines, you can use Ctrl/End to move to the last line in the parcel
  5. Fixed a problem when selecting parcels by polygon and you pan the screen
  6. The Point Properties now displays the point accuracy values if an adjustment has been done
  7. Line Points from connections or easements are now excluded from the adjustment as they cause instability in the solution
  8. Fixed a problem if you did a SaveAs and then pressed Cancel, it saved the job anyway.
  9. The adjustment listing filename is now the job name with 'Adjustment Report.txt' appended.
  10. The adjustment listing now sorts all the sections so that the largest error is first
  11. Fixed a problem with Edit parcel lines which would take a long time to exit on very large parcels
  12. Edit parcel lines now always fills the available space with blank lines
  13. Duplicate Parcel will now increment the part number if present instead of the lot number. 1234Pt2 increments to 1234Pt3 etc.
  14. Plan examination now checks for two control points on the same point
  15. Line Points on Historical parcel are now not displayed if Historical parcels are turned off
  16. The topology Report now has a heading showing the job name and date
  17. The topology report now displays the number of errors
  18. Right click on control points now displays multiple control points if near cursor
GeoCadastre V6.31    5 April 2022
  1. The Adjustment has been changed to ignore Line Points on Easements and Connections as they make the solution unstable.
  2. Fixed a problem which caused Mean Two Points option to crash GC.
  3. Fixed a screen display problem when window is maximised/minimised
  4. Fixed a display problem if you pan while selecting parcels by polygon
  5. The Adjustment report name is now the job name with " adjustment report.txt" added
  6. Report on Parcels now has a default file name provided
  7. Report on Control now has a default file name provided
GeoCadastre V6.30    7 February 2022
  1. Improved the processing speed for Cleanup Job/Mean Close Points' for large jobs
GeoCadastre V6.30    7 February 2022
  1. Fixed a problem with Show Job Errors for the 'Make Clockwise' function. It could not do more than one parcel at a time, this has been fixed.
  2. A new option has been added to the Show Job Errors for 'Closed parcel is not Closed'. This message is because the parcel is actually closed, the start point is the same as the end point but the 'unclosed' admin status is set.
  3. When Strings are generated from parcels (for GeoSurvey), non ground floor Strata parcels (type=59) are now placed onto the 'Strata' layer
  4. Fixed a problem with Show Job Errors when dealing with many close points that caused an 'Illegal Point' message to be displayed
  5. Fixed a problem when Joining a large group of parcels that caused it to take several hours to complete
  6. Fixed a problem with the Convert Proj file option
GeoCadastre V6.29    28 September 2021
  1. Fixed a problem with Control Point attributes
  2. Fixed a problem reading some LandXML files with comments outside the main object
  3. A new facility is available in the 'Tools/Insert a Point' option to enter a co-ordinate in another datum and auto convert it to the current job datum. The co-ordinate can be Easting/Northing or Latitude/Longitude
GeoCadastre V6.28    05 August 2021
  1. Fixed a problem when reading ESRI Shape files with Polygons. The dialog has been improved to display the shape file data centroid and to detect if the data is in geographic format or not.
GeoCadastre V6.27    28 June 2021
  1. You can now use Ctrl/O to turn on/off the Point Numbers on the screen
  2. Fixed a problem with joining parcels with unknown scale factor
  3. Fixed a problem with the Topology report overlap detection with curved parcel sides
  4. The Split Job option has been changed to 'Save Selected Parcels'
  5. A new option is available on the Parcel Edit/Misc menu to reverse the order of the selected lines. If it is a loop, the loop will be reversed so a Clockwise loop will become Anti-clockwise and vice versa.
  6. Fixed a problem with saving tp a ceXML file with ESRI projection data using GDA2020 datum
GeoCadastre V6.26    19 May 2021
  1. Fixed a problem with unclosed parcels in Report on Parcels
  2. Fixed a problem with unclosed parcels in Report on Points with RMS
  3. Improved the drawing of shaded/selected parcels when zoomed in a lot
  4. Add extra checks to the Plan Examination Report to check if two Control Points are on the same Point. Also check for Control Points too close to each other (within 0.5m)
GeoCadastre V6.25    15 May 2021
  1. The Conversions/Write LandXML File option has been improved to remember the output folder from one export to the next
  2. The Close Points Report will now show the point name if it is on a control point.
  3. A new right click menu item is available on Parcel Explorer 'Joined' and 'Unjoined' elements to 'Collapse' the tree view
GeoCadastre V6.25    28 April 2021
  1. Fixed several problems reading LandXML files
GeoCadastre V6.24    8 April 2021
  1. Fixed a problem with Advanced Cleanup, Cleanup Easement Topology
  2. Ctrl/J at the keyboard will always try to join the selected unjoined parcel
  3. Ctrl/E at the keyboard will show the Job Errors dialog box
GeoCadastre V6.23    29 March 2021
  1. The 64 bit version is now named GeoCadastre.exe, the 32 bit version is now named GeoCadastre32.exe
  2. If an unjoined parcel is selected (in Parcel Explorer), Ctrl/J on the keyboard will start the Joining. If an unjoined parcel is not selected, Ctrl/J will show the Job Errors list
  3. Ctrl+F12 can be used to toggle on/off the display of User Coloured parcels - these are parcels coloured by settings in the config file by parcel type
  4. The display of Lot/Plan number is now removed when it will no longer fit inside the parcel. This makes zooming out quicker and clearer as lot/plan text disappears
  5. A new option has been added to allow a Black Background to be used. See Display Settings/Screen, Max Scales. The setting will stay that way until you change it.
  6. Fixed a problem reading reference lines for NSW version 4 LandXML files
GeoCadastre V6.22    16 March 2021
  1. Fixed a problem that could hang the program when zooming in a lot with curves on screen
  2. Fixed a problem which could crash the program when the 'Save Job on Parcel Change' was ticked
  3. Cleanup job no longer deletes unwanted line points for jobs with a packetid
  4. Changes have been made in reading and writing LandXML files in NSW for version 9.1 of NSW LandXML Recipe. The MkState attribute for a line will now be read from the "distanceAccClass" element in a "ReducedObservation". The "mkOriginSurvey" element will now be read from the "adoptedDistanceSurvey" element in a "ReducedObservation". When a NSW LandXML file is written, the "MkState" value for a line will be written out as the "distanceAccClass" element for that "ReducedObservation". The "mkOriginSurvey" value for a line will be written as the "adoptedDistanceSurvey" element for the "ReducedObservation"
  5. Changes have also been made to "batch_landxml_to_join" to improve the automatic matching process.
GeoCadastre V6.21    25 February 2021
  1. When reading a job which exceed the max number of points the user can now enter the new max point no and it will automatically reopen the job
  2. When setting the maximum point number in program Settings, if a job is not open, you can then open the larger job without restarting the program
  3. No longer looking for "order" in RedHorisontalPosition in a GDA2020 LandXML file.
  4. Revised the way that the "MkState" is derived from a LandXML file
  5. Changes in the drawing routines to manage very high density screens
  6. Changes to the way that "MkPurpose" is derived in a LandXML file
  7. For GDA2020 plans the "state" of a reference mark is read from the "distanceAccClass", for the line and the "originSurvey" be held in the "adoptedDistanceSurvey" for the line.
  8. Changes to the way that "ParcelClass" is derived in a LandXML file.
  9. Fixed a problem in the operation of the "MkPurpose" and "MkState" dialogue boxes in the parcel editor lines table.
GeoCadastre V6.20    15 February 2021
  1. Optimised the speed of reading large ESRI Shape files
  2. Fixed a problem with Square Offset construction lines not being displayed
  3. Optimised the writing of large files to .acs file
  4. The screen redraw time for large numbers of parcels has been improved
  5. Reading ESRI Shape files with PolygonZ (polygons with height values) are now read correctly and height values are assigned to the points
  6. Prevent a NULL extra attribute value being written even if the value is a NULL value.
  7. Fixed a problem with computation of internal angles for ceXML files
  8. For LandXML, added support for "adoptedDistanceSurvey", "distanceAdoptionFactor", "combined_grid_factor", "distanceAccType", "linePurposeType", "heightMethodType".
  9. Changes made to better handle bulk processing of LandXML files, added support for "adoptedDistanceSurvey", "distanceAdoptionFactor", "combined_grid_factor", "distanceAccType", "linePurposeType", "heightMethodType".
  10. Sometimes, the first lot selected for an adjustment is a small isolated parcel and then the program flags all the other parcels as isolated. It now lists the first lot selected so that it can be easily found.
  11. Changed the unjoined parcel Control Points colour from Yellow to Gold to make it easier to see.
  12. The cookie cutter routines have been improved.
  13. The screen drawing has been changed to accommodate high pixel density screen wand Windows 10 Display settings where the scale factors is greater than 100%. If you are using a Display Scale greater than 100% and encounter any graphics display or mouse selection anomalies, please report them.
  14. Fixed a problem with lines on unjoined parcels not being displayed when editing the parcel
GeoCadastre V6.19    9 December 2020
  1. The extra attributes for parcel lines and control points are now cleaned when the job is saved.
  2. Fixed a problem with Parcel Explorer/Select All Parcels on Plan not working
  3. Added an option to Plan Examination 'Show C-O Errors' to not display C-O and Area errors
  4. The Extra Tools/Parcel by Points option will now create a parcel using Ground Distances instead of Grid Distances
GeoCadastre V6.18    19 November 2020
  1. The variable screen zoom setting is now derived automatically from the Windows Screen setting. This value stops text, rectangles and symbols being draw 'too large' when a larger Windows Scale Factor is selected.
  2. When reading LandXML files, non fatal errors are now noted and the program continues to read the file whereas before it would terminate when it encountered an error
  3. Fixed some problems of bulk conversion of LandXML files
  4. The view pdf option for a parcel will now automatically open the pdf with a DP or SP prefix if found.
  5. The joining redrawing has been changed to reduce flickering
  6. The right click on parcels/lines only displays visible parcels and lines
  7. Fixed a problem with screen drawing when top window border was dragged down
  8. Fixed a problem with the Joining screen redraw of the Joining parcels
GeoCadastre V6.17    10 October 2020
  1. This version incorporates changes made to the NSW LandXML "Recipe".
  2. GC now handles GDA2020 LandXML files.
  3. There have also been improvements to the way that "save as an Unjoined Group" operates.
GeoCadastre V6.16    12 September 2020
  1. The Import and Export of LandXML files has been upgraded to suit the NSW LPMA specification
  2. Writing ceXML files now handles control point type correctly.
  3. The Topology Report now ignores Strata/UTS parcels that are not on the ground floor
  4. Fixed a problem in Cleanup Job which deleted Line Points on Strata/UTS parcels on the ground floor
  5. Fixed a problem with Modify Line Point dialog when inserting a Line Point
GeoCadastre V6.15    9 July 2020
  1. Fixed a problem in Take-Me-There in Show Job Errors
  2. Fixed a small problem with 3d view
  3. The View Plan PDF code has been changed to accommodate NSW plan naming conventions. It will not automatically check for variously named pdf files with and without a leading 'DP' and with and without a trailing 'P' on the plan name. It will also check for leading 0 characters which may be missing in the plan name but are present in the pdf file name
  4. The Modify Line Point toolbar option will now display the number of Line Points found if more than one is found on a point. To show the Line Points, right click on the point. Use right click on a point to select which Line Point you want to change/delete.
  5. The Read DXF option can now handle MLINE text items and split them into lot/plan
  6. Some optimisation has been done to speed up reading very large jobs
GeoCadastre V6.14    18 June 2020
  1. The Parcel Search option has been improved. It will now find partial match results and if there are multiple results, it will list them for you to choose one
  2. The Plan Examination Report on parcel areas now correctly matches plan names with suffixes.
  3. Fixed a problem with line dimensions when adding a radiation to a joined parcel
  4. Fixed a problem when joining a group of parcels where one of the group had no lines
GeoCadastre V6.13    26 March 2020
  1. The program now reads the Point symbol, text and Control Point symbol and text displays definitions from the config file. More Info.
  2. Improved the parcel selection highlight to draw the B&D text in DarkRed to allow you to easily see which parcel is selected
  3. Fixed a problem when adding a radiation to a large joined parcel, the radiation would sometimes display with an incorrect angle.
  4. Fixed a problem with New Parcel for group which could give incorrect bearings when clicking on the plan
  5. Fixed a problem if you add a control points which already exists
  6. Fixed a problem which caused 'Unjoin Point' to fail in some circumstances
  7. Fixed a problem with Add Line Point/Move Point onto line that could sometimes assign a very large height to the point
  8. Users with a high pixel density screen (many new notebooks) will need to set the Windows Screen Scale in Display Settings so that the text and symbols will be display at the correct size
  9. Fixed a problem with "Fix Misclose in Part Digitised parcels" for non True-Mid Bearing parcels
  10. Added support for Disclaimer dialog
  11. Fixed a problem with adding curves to a joined parcel
GeoCadastre V6.12    27 February 2020
  1. Fixed a problem with the Plan Examination Report C-O errors would in some circumstances display a bad distance
  2. Fixed a problem with F6-Pan to Point which could sometimes zoom to the whole job
  3. In the Parcel Editor, to select a range of lines you can now click on the first line, then press Shift and click on the second line. All lines in between will be selected in the grid and also on the screen display
  4. The Parcel Editor menu option Misc/Set Lines Type will now remember the last setting and will also allow you to set the line accuracy
  5. Fixed an error when appending a job in a different zone
  6. Added extra checking for bad height values when reading the acs file
  7. The Plan Examination report uses a new config setting <checkParcelTypes>No</checkParcelTypes> to turn on/off checking the validity of the parcel type/tag
  8. Fixed a problem with Merge Two points which did not zoom to the points correctly
  9. A new option has been added to the Parcel Editor/Misc/Complex Line to add a complex line. 1. Add a curve by deflection angle, tangent distance and radius. 2. Add a line by Deflection angle and distance.
GeoCadastre V6.11    24 January 2020
  1. Fixed a problem with reading Mapinfo files and the imported parcels were not displayed
  2. Fixed a problem with display of images
  3. A new Software Key method is now available for those using Software Keys. A License File now may be specified to hold all the Raw and Final keys for a company. This simplifies management of keys.
  4. The Tools/Cleanup Job/Erase Unused Points option will now also delete unused points with a Database Id
  5. Some minor screen drawing changes have been made to speed up redraws on large jobs.
  6. The screen drawing has been changed to stop "Program Not Responding" messages which could cause the program to loop and continually redraw the screen.
  7. The screen drawing has been changed to allow multiple zoom commands by the mouse wheel or +- keypad keys to interrupt the current redraw and start a new one.
  8. Changed Plan Examination Area checks for NortherTerritory rounding rules to match the Check Parcel function
  9. When a parcel is highlighted, the parcel points are now highlighted as well
  10. The View Plan PDF option has been changed to allow for NSW plans to have (not not have) "DP" on the plan name.
  11. Fixed a problem when reading in a shape file to a new job which stopped the parcels being displayed
  12. Fixed a problem with the menu option View/Control
  13. Fixed a problem with selecting extra parcels by the shift key, the highlighting of the parcel names was sometimes incorrect
GeoCadastre V6.10    15 December 2019
  1. Fixed a problem when joining a very large parcel that could crash the program
  2. Changed the screen drawing system to reduce the number of redraws that occurs
  3. In the Plan Examination Report, changed the error detection of suspect True Mid Bearings
  4. The View Plan PDF option has been enhanced to cater for NSW DP numbers with leading zeros.
GeoCadastre V6.09    4 December 2019
  1. Fixed a problem when reading ceXML files with line type 22, it was being converted to 999
  2. The Modify Line Point option will now allow all Line Point operations, Add, Delete and Modify
  3. Fixed a problem when adding a radiation to a large joined parcel
GeoCadastre V6.08    11 November 2019
  1. The Show Job Errors dialog has been improved, you can now sort the errors by error type or by sequence number
  2. It also shows an option to display the PDF plan file when a parcel is involved
  3. Fixed an issue with Cookie Cutter Tool option
  4. The Plan Examination report now check C-O distances and direction errors
  5. The Search Point (F6) option will now accept two points (1,2) and highlight both points.
GeoCadastre V6.07    23 October 2019
  1. Fixed a problem which could crash the program in the adjustment when the last point number was used.
  2. The Tools/Lines/Set Line Details option has been changed: Hold down the Shift key to select multiple lines on any parcels and then Set the Line Type for them all. It also allows lines to be selected by Mouse Right Click - select line.
  3. The Topology Report has been improved to report the lines which cross over each other and also adds the errors into the Job Errors list for easy action
  4. Fixed a problem when inserting Line Points. If there are multiple parcels using the selected points, it would always insert the line point on the first parcel using those points. This has been changed to insert the line point on the parcel line you select with the Right Mouse click if you select it this way.
  5. When inserting a line point, it now correctly detects if the line point already exists and gives an appropriate error message
  6. Parcel Explorer - right click on a parcel or plan will now show the 'View Plan PDF' option. This is also available in when you right click on a Plan. This is also available on the Parcel Editor/Misc menu.
  7. The Display Settings dialog has been improved to reduce the number of screen redraws, this was a problem on large jobs.
GeoCadastre V6.06    15 October 2019
  1. Fixed a problem in Cleanup Job/Add Missing Line points that would not add line points to a parcels' lines if it had a control point on the parcel boundary
  2. Improved the adjustment progress display
  3. A new option has been added to the Tools menu to allow certain operations to be 'undone'. This can also be invoked by Ctrl/Z. The operations that can be undone are 'Merge 2 points', 'Modify Line Point', 'Unjoin Point' and 'Add/Edit Parcel'. More operations will be added.
  4. The Merge Two Points option, the Add Line Point option and the Modify Line Point options have been added to the main toolbar.
  5. A new option has been added to the parcel editor Misc menu 'Insert Road Conn' to create an across road connection at a point. You can click on the point to select the IP and enter the road width.
  6. The Topology Report has been changed to exclude Mineral Leases (51-58) from checking as these usually overlap cadastral parcels. Check the Topology Report online help for a full list of the excluded parcels.
  7. The Import Mapinfo file option has been upgraded to cater for the latest MapInfo MIF and MID files
GeoCadastre V6.05    26 August 2019
  1. The Topology Report has been improved to reduce the number of duplicates and false positives
  2. Added some help pages for the Topology Report and Show Job Errors
  3. Moved the Parcel Edit menu option Set Lines Type to the Misc menu and added help messages
  4. Added a new option to Parcel Edit/Misc - Find Point to search for a point number in the parcel
  5. The Cleanup Job option to move line points onto the line has been improved to detect overlapping line points and move all the points onto a line between the end points
  6. Fixed a problem that could crash Cookie Cut Single Parcel option
  7. Fixed a problem in Add Across Road Connections that could insert incorrect bearings on connections
  8. A new option has been added, Help/Help Settings to allow you to fetch all help messages from the Internet instead of the local CHM help file. This option is helpful if you have problems accessing or displaying the local GeoCadastre.chm help file
  9. Fixed a problem saving line angles to an XML file
GeoCadastre V6.04    24 July 2019
  1. Made some minor improvements to Add Line Point and Modify Line Point to make the dialog easier to use
  2. Fixed a problem with the area calcs being different between Edit parcel/Check Parcel and Plan Examination. This happened on very large parcels near the edge of a zone
  3. The Tools/Lines/Delete Radiations option now also allows the line to be selected by right clicking on a line and selecting the required line from the list.
GeoCadastre V6.03    16 July 2019
  1. Updated some Help messages
  2. Incorporated some changes to the Cookie Cutter Tools
  3. Fixed a problem with the "Extra Tools\Fix Multipart Lots" option
  4. Fixed a problem with the "Extra Tools\Fix Misclose in Part Digitised parcels" option that could result in 0.0 for bearings and distances
GeoCadastre V6.02    5 July 2019
  1. Improved the Cookie Cutter tool to improve handling of complex lost
  2. Changed the Cleanup Job dialog to describe the extra steps taken to clean up the job data
GeoCadastre V6.01    7 May 2019
  1. Fixed a problem with Advanced cleanup/Compress Point Numbers which could scramble some unjoined parcels
GeoCadastre V6.00    4 April 2019
  1. Fixed a problem with erroneous close points when doing an adjustment on selected parcels
  2. The Plan Properties dialog now allows you to set the Units
  3. Extra checks are done for Strata/UTS parcels. It checks for missing floors. It checks for duplicate parcels correctly and for overlapping parcels oin a floor
  4. The check close points routine now ignores close points for Strata units
GeoCadastre V5.99    04 March 2019
  1. The Cleanup Job option now removes any unwanted line points on Strata/UTS parcels. For multi storey blocks of units, you can end up with lots of parcels, lines and points on top of each other. This removes line points being formed between lines and points on different height levels.
  2. Fixed a problem with reading DXF files and forming parcels
  3. When editing parcel lines, the program now remembers the ListView column positions
  4. When editing parcel admin data the program now remembers the Extra Attributes window positions and will also reset those window positions in the Program Settings/Reset Windows Positions option
  5. Fixed a problem that could crash GeoCadastre if the username or company name was blank
  6. Fixed a problem with angle mode data entry
  7. When a parcel is appended to a group, the program now copies the accuracy and Level of the selected parcel inb the group
  8. Fixed a problem that stopped 'All Floors' being displayed when a job was first opened
GeoCadastre V5.98    22 February 2019
  1. Check of Config file has been changed to ignore the paths of the files
  2. A new Right click menu option is available for selected parcels, it is 'View Plan PDF' which is also available from the View menu.
  3. Fixed a problem with New Parcel by Points which could crash GC if there were no parcels in the job.
GeoCadastre V5.97    22 January 2019
  1. Fixed a problem when reading ceEXML files with illegal line types.
  2. Fixed a problem when exporting an ESRI shape file
  3. Fixed a problem deleting line points
  4. Several changes for NT regarding Control Point Editing
GeoCadastre V5.96    6 December 2018
  1. Added an Online Help option to the Help Menu. This opens a web browser and accesses the Mimaka web pages which contain a copy of the online help.
  2. Fixed a problem with the PDF option File/Screen to PDF in the 64 Bit version
  3. There is a new option in File/Program Settings/Advanced to perform a check of the config file name. When a job is saved, the config file used is written into the .acs file. When GeoCadastre starts, this filename can be compared to the current Program setting config filename.
  4. The Program Help and Online Help have been changed to increase font sizes and background colour to improve readability
  5. Fixed a problem with across road joins with bearings from 180-360 deg
GeoCadastre V5.95    29 October 2018
  1. Fixed a bug in editing a parcel and adding a parallel line, the line line offset is not scaled
  2. The Tools/Advanced Clean Job option has been enhanced to detects narrow exclusion strips (used in Qld) and adds extra connections to they do not get distorted in the adjustment
  3. The Tools/Advanced Clean Job, a new option has been added to cleanup easement topology. It puts points onto the lines and matches the easement dimensions to the parcel.
  4. The Display Settings option now allows you to display 'All Floors' of a strata/UTS block at once.
  5. Fixed parcel selection routines to only select visible floors
  6. Improved the way entity numbers are handled to reduce large numbers being used
  7. Fixed a problem with display of 'All Floors' for strata units
  8. Changed Display Settings, added an option to turn on/off Easement display
GeoCadastre V5.94    28 June 2018
  1. Changes made to 'Import ACT Data' option to handle curves greater than 180 degrees
  2. Changed LandXML export to handle Victoria specific requirements
GeoCadastre V5.93    29 May 2018
  1. Added a keyboard shortcut to turn Control Points on/off - Ctrl/T
  2. Added a keyboard shortcut to turn Point Symbols and Numbers on/off - Ctrl/P
  3. There is a keyboard shortcut to turn Lot/Plan names on/off - Ctrl/L
  4. Changed Tools/Cleanup/Add Missing Line Points option: Removes line points on Control Points, Does not add line points to Historical parcels. Only adds line points for Strata/UTS parcels to Ground Floor parcels.
  5. The cleanup job now logs the changes made to a listing when adding line points
  6. Fixed a problem that would crash GC when doing a Cleanup/Add Line Points option
GeoCadastre V5.92    8 May 2018
  1. Fixed a problem when digitising parcels where the lines table could run out of lines
  2. A new option has been added View/Strata 3d Display - to view a stata Plan in 3d mode.
  3. The adjustment now handles isolated parcels (not joined to the network). It is not included from the adjustment and will be shifted to stay in the correct relative position to the nearby parcels.
  4. The Autojoin option now has a tick box to include or exclude line points.
  5. Changed Tool/Cleanup Job/Add Missing Line Points option to also cleanup unwanted Line points
GeoCadastre V5.91    12 March 2018
  1. Added a new function to search for a lot/plan (12/DP123456). See the Parcels menu for 'Find Parcel' dialog. You can enter a lot number only (12), a plan name only (/DP123456)or lot/plan. It will find the lot/plan and pan the screen to it. It will also highlight it in the Parcel Explorer. To search for a plan enter a / followed by the lot number. the search comparison is case insensitive.
  2. Fixed a problem with the display of Strata/UTS parcels that caused lines with incorrect colours
  3. The Display Settings can now be left open all the time. It also makes any changes to settings immediately.
  4. The Display settings dialog now shows the Strata/UTS floor levels in a list to make it easier and quicker to select the floor level to display
  5. The program now stops the adjustment running for very large jobs in the 32 bit version to eliminate memory overflows
  6. The 'Read DXF Job' option has been changed to 'Read DXF Strata Plan' as it is only designed to read in Strata plans. It is not designed to read in large parcel networks.
GeoCadastre V5.90    07 February 2018
  1. Fixed a problem that excluded all Strata/UTS parcels from the adjustment. Strata/UTS parcels on the Ground floor or with no floor value are now included in the adjustment.
  2. Changed the adjustment listing of Suspect Points to sort them so the worst error is first
  3. Changed the adjustment listing of Suspect Lines to sort them so the worst error is first
  4. Added an option to Show Job Errors for Close Points, the bottom left button can now create a connection between the two points.
  5. Changed the Show Job Errors option so that when you action one error, it automatically selects the next one.
  6. The display settings have been changed so that turning point numbers and symbols on/off are now independent of each other
  7. You can now use Ctrl/L keystroke to toggle on/off the Lot-Plan text
  8. Fixed a problem in the Tag (Change Line Details) option to allow you to set a line type to 0.
  9. Fixed a problem for Very Large jobs running the adjustment allocating memory for the Least Squares Adjustment. It can now handle over 6000 parcels on 64 bit PCs with > 8Gb RAM
  10. The right click context menu has been changed, the Pan option now switches to a 'Select' option if you are in pan mode already
  11. Fixed a few issues with display of Strata/UTS parcels.
GeoCadastre V5.89    22 January 2018
  1. The adjustment errors are now added to the 'Show Job Errors' list and can more easily be viewed and edited from there.
  2. A new Toolbar button has been added to display the Job Errors dialog
  3. The Adjustment Results dialog has been improved to place a > character at the start of any line that can be 'clicked'. You can double click on any such line to pan the screen to that parcel/line/point
  4. The Adjustment Results dialog now has a button to take your directly to the Show Job Errors dialog. Note that this 'Rejects' the adjustment results.
  5. The Adjustment Results dialog - the Pan to Parcel button now works more consistently
  6. The Adjustment Results dialog - you can now pan to the Max E/N shift point with a double click on that line in the results.
  7. The Adjustment Results dialog - you can now abort the adjustment, see Abort button in bottom right corner ofthe dialog
  8. The adjustment speed has been improved by about 25% for large jobs.
  9. Fixed a problem with fixing errors on unjoined parcels
  10. Changed calculation of adjacent parcel lines to allow for geodetic/zone and height
  11. Fixed a problem where type=59 (Strata) lots were not drawn on the screen.
GeoCadastre V5.88    11 December 2017
  1. The adjustment has been changed to exclude all strata dimensions and calculates
  2. the lot coordinates afterwards in a similar way to the way that easements are done
  3. The NT Plan examination has been changed to detect radiations added as grid bearings and not true mid bearings and display an error.
  4. Advanced Cleanup for the NT has been changed to make type 911 lots to be type “Strata” and have the words “Common Property” in the parcel description.
  5. The adjustment errors are now added to the 'Show Job Errors' list and can more easily be viewed and edited from there.
  6. A new Toolbar button has been added to display the Job Errors dialog
  7. The Adjustment Results dialog has been improved to place a > character at the start of any line that can be 'clicked'. You can double click on any such line to pan the screen to that parcel/line/point
  8. The Adjustment Results dialog now has a button to take your directly to the Show Job Errors dialog. Note that this 'Rejects' the adjustment results.
  9. The Adjustment Results dialog - the Pan to Parcel button now works more consistently
  10. The Adjustment Results dialog - you can now pan to the Max E/n shift point with a double click on that line in the results.
GeoCadastre V5.87    17 November 2017
  1. Importing control now correctly inserts points so that the new control points can be used
  2. Fixed a problem with parcel explorer not displaying (H) for historical parcels after editing parcel.
  3. Added a test to Plan Examination to detect easements entered inj reverse order (anti-clockwise).
GeoCadastre V5.86    17 October 2017
  1. A new option is available on the Right Click menu to open Google Maps to the clicked location. This only works when a datum has been specified and you are using real world co-ords
  2. Fixed a problem with checking of plan names for NT with less than 3 characters.
  3. Parcels with type 900-994 (easements parcels) are now exported to a DXF file on the Easements layer
  4. Fixed a problem with update of Strata lot co-ordinates at the end of the adjustment. Only the lots on the ground floor of a strata subdivision are included when computing the least squares adjustment. See online help 'Starts' help topic for more details.
  5. Fixed a problem with importation of DXF file strata lots which were not joined (snapped) together properly.
GeoCadastre V5.85    8 September 2017
  1. The Conversions/Write DXF file can now optionally export the Connections and the point numbers (as text). It can also export the file in Autocad 2000 DXF format
  2. Additional capability has been added to the Recalc Parcel Lines option to take dimensions from adjacent parcels to fix parcel lines.
  3. Fixed a problem with export of Autocad DXF Release 14 files.
  4. Fixed a problem which took a long time to read in very large jobs
  5. Fixed a problem that could cause the Recalc Parcel Lines option to set the distances to 0.0
GeoCadastre V5.84    10 August 2017
  1. Fixed a problem writing LandXML files with quotes
  2. During parcel entry click on a curved line now inserts the radius
  3. LandXML has improved the handling of linestrings
  4. There is now a config option to save all default extra attributes to a ceXML file
  5. Improved Read DXF file option to take out included parcels from within another parcel.
  6. Fixed a problem in Plan Examination for Part lots generating an erroneous error
  7. Advanced Cleanup/Compress Points will now also compress the point numbers for unjoined parcels
GeoCadastre V5.83    14 June 2017
  1. For NT Plan Examination, changed UTS level check to allow 'B' and 'M' as legal levels during packet validation
  2. Fixed a problem that would crash the Parcels and Lines Report on the 64bit version.
  3. Fixed a problem in computation of NT misclose ratio
  4. Fixed a problem with transforming to non GDA_2020 datum
  5. Fixed a problem with Topology report
GeoCadastre V5.82    2 June 2017
  1. A new option has been added to the Tools menu to allow conversion of the job from GDA_1994 to GDA_2020 and vice versa
  2. When processing Job Errors (Tools/Job Errors) you can double click on an entry to invoke the top right button function.
  3. Fixed a problem in Show Job Errors "Anti-clockwise parcel" option.
  4. Fixed a problem displaying Strata/UTS lots on different levels which could cause a crash or hang.
  5. Fixed a problem in LandXML export
GeoCadastre V5.81    10 May 2017
  1. Plan Examination for NT now checks for valid level values for UTS parcels
  2. The option 'Reset Inactive Control Points has been removed from Advanced Cleanup'. It has been moved to an Extra Tools option which must be configured in the config file menu
  3. The Advanced Cleanup option 'Reset Pts on Control Points' has been changed. You can now specify a maximum shift allowed.
  4. A new option has been added to the Control dialog to, a button to Pan the main screen to the selected control point
  5. A new option has been added to the Control dialog to sort the list of control points by Name, Ptno, dXdY, AccXY, Active
  6. The Merge Two Points option has been enhanced to detect if there is a line between the two points, display a message and disable the action buttons.
  7. The Merge Two Points option has been enhanced to allow you to always merge two database points. At present it asks you the question every time. Add a <meanTwoDBPointsQuestion> value of No to the config file to disable this question.
  8. The Topology Report has been changed to prompt with a dialog box before starting. It also now allows you run the report on the selected parcels only.
  9. The Lines dialog has been changed to allow you to cut and paste one or more selected lines. Select the lines by pressing left mouse button down and dragging the mouse. Right click menu will show an option to Copy the lines to the Clipboard. There is also a Paste Lines from Clipboard option which will insert the copied lines at the cursor. This allows parcel lines to be copied from one instance of GC to another.
  10. The Read MapInfo option has been changed to allow the importation of parcel description.
  11. The Plan examination dialog has been changed to allow you to disable the Precise Connections Checking.
  12. Plan Examination now issues an error if the main Close loop for a parcel is Anti-clockwise. The Show Job Errors allows you to go to the parcel Lines dialog and use the Misc/Reverse Parcel Close option to fix it.
  13. The Import Control dialog has been changed to allow you to choose the type of file to import. There is a new CSV Control file (Name,E,N,H,Status,Zone,AccXY,AccZ) which should be used in future jobs.
  14. The Update Master file now has an option to choose the Master file type, Old CSV format or New CSV format.
GeoCadastre V5.80    1 May 2017
  1. Fixed a problem which caused the adjustment to crash GeoCadastre
  2. Some internal changes have been made to accommodate storage of point accuracy values for future use.
  3. Changed DXF import to mean close points and set all imported text (lot names) to 2mm in size
  4. Fixed a problem with Plan Properties which could change the name and properties of another plan if it was selected in parcel explorer while editing a different plan.
GeoCadastre V5.79    11 April 2017
  1. Fixed a problem which caused 'Error on parcel type range...' messages after an adjustment
  2. A new tick box has been added to Display Settings to control display of Connections on the screen
  3. The Update Master Control File option will now detect if the Control Point Accuracy values have been changed and will update the Master File accordingly.
  4. The right mouse button can now optionally display the Parcel Properties and the Plan Properties. You just need to enable the config file setting for <contextParcelProperties> and/or <contextParcelProperties> at about line 23 in the standard config file GeoCadastre_config.xml
  5. The Parcel Closure Report will now remember the tick box settings from one run to the next
  6. The config file has a new section <planExamination> dedicated to controlling the way the Plan Examination report works
  7. Fixed a problem with 'Fix Errors' option in the adjustment. It was not recording the correct distance between close points.
  8. Fixed a problem with large adjustments, increased the maximum number of parcels from about 4000 to about 8000.
GeoCadastre V5.78    21 March 2017
  1. Added an option to the Unjoin Parcels option to Cancel the unjoin when it prompts 'Do you want to group the parcels'.
  2. The Control dialog will now remember which control point your last edited and display that control point when you open the dialog the next time.
  3. You can now clicking on control points in the main window to select them in the Control dialog window.
  4. Fixed a problem when making bulk changes to line types in lines dialog it was not enabling the Apply button.
  5. Changed area tolerance factor for NT metric area calcs from 0.001sqm to 0.010sqm to reduce the number of very close areas being truncated down by 1sqm.
  6. Plan examination now also computes unjoined parcel areas
  7. You can now set the font and font size in the Lines Grid by setting values in the config file. Change the <gridFontName> and <gridFontName> values to suit. See example at line 21 in GeoCadastre_config.xml
  8. Fixed a problem with status bar not being auto adjusted when the window is resized
  9. fixed a problem when right clicking to display Plan properties of 2nd or 3rd plan.
  10. Fixed a problem where running the adjustment would remove all plan and lot text from screen
GeoCadastre V5.77    19 February 2017
  1. Fixed a problem with Plan Properties which did not prompt to save the data if you closed the dialog box by pressing X button in top right corner.
  2. Changed the right mouse button menu when you click on a non selected parcel. It will now give options to Select the Parcel and show Properties, and another option to show Plan properties for the parcel under the mouse cursor.
  3. Plan Examination Report will now detect "(null)" as invalid values for Plan Surveyor name and company name.
  4. Added a new menu option to the Help menu 'Release Notes' to allow quicker access to the release notes
  5. When editing Control Points, the cursor remains on the edited control point and it no longer scrolls to the top of the list after every edit.
  6. Fixed a problem in the number of decimal places displayed in Square Offset distances
  7. Improved Import Master File option - XY Acc and Z Acc now remembers your choices between runs
  8. Import Master File option - the tick box options now all remember their setting from one run to the next
  9. Import Master File option - New option 'Ignore Control Points Outside Job Area' will not import or list any points outside the job area. They are completely ignored. This is handy if you use a large file of Control Points for various jobs.
  10. Import Master File option - New option 'Test Run - make No Changes to Job Data' will read and check the control but will not actually update the job data or insert any control into the job.
  11. Import Master File option - The Listing file default extension has been changed to a .txt file.
  12. Import Master File option - The Listing has been changed to add commas between the items so that it can easily be imported into Excel as a CSV file. In addition, it now lists the delta changes made to updated control points. Also, if you set the listing file to a .csv extension, it will be able to be read directly into Excel as a spreadsheet.
  13. The Update Master Control option has also been updated to allow you to accept or reject each change. It also allows you to accept all the changes or reject all the changes.
GeoCadastre V5.76    30 January 2017
  1. Added a new option for DXF file imports which automatically forms the Lots. It allows you to select the DXF layers for the line work and the lot numbers
  2. Improved the import of ACT data files to read more record types.
  3. The option to Export an ICSM LandXML file has been improved.
  4. The NT users can now set a 'Proclaimed' flag on a parcel. Proclaimed parcel points will be held fixed during the adjustment.
  5. In Plan Examination report, the plan data checks for Surveyor Name, Company, Date of Survey and Plan description have been restored and made configurable in the config file. See <planExaminationSurveyor> example in the config file.
GeoCadastre V5.75    1 December 2016
  1. Data from the Parcel Editor in ArcMap may have line types set at -1 and there may be parcel tags outside the range of 1-999. The new option in Advanced Cleanup will reset any illegal line types to 0 and if any of them are outside the "closed" area of the parcel they will be set to 999. If a parcel tag is outside the 0-999 range it will also be set to 0.
  2. A new option has been added to tag the parcels used in an Adjustment of 'Selected' parcels. See the menu option Parcel/Select Last Adjustment Parcels', which will select those parcels used in the last Adjustment IF it was on the Selected parcels.
  3. A new option is available on the Zoom/Zoom Selected Parcels menu. This will zoom the screen view to show the selected parcels.
GeoCadastre V5.74    17 August 2016
  1. Changes to the way that Zone number is handled in reading and writing LandXML files.
  2. Improvements to the way that digitised lines are handled in lots using true mid bearings.
  3. Changes to handle certain types of Mapinfo files to fix a crash.
  4. When saving a job, stop writing out plans where there are no parcels.
  5. Added new dialogue box to create reference mark details (Point_ref_data dialogue) -used for LandXML data
  6. Fixed bug in calculating across road connections to process the last line
  7. Added the remarks field to the point properties dialogue.
  8. DXF input to get lot details for strata lots for NT "Unit Title" input work.
  9. LandXML - improve detection of part lots and implement changes in NSW "Recipe"
  10. New points report option if implemented in config file
GeoCadastre V5.73    26 April 2016
  1. When editing lines, you can select multiple lines by holding down the shift/ctrl key and dragging the mouse across multiple lines. You can also now Set The Line Type for all selected lines - see Right Click menu option.
  2. Added an Option to Extra Tools/Recalc Parcel lines from Coords - it will now optionally recalc only the Natural Boundaries (Type=71-78).
  3. When joining a parcel a warning message is now displayed if you connect to a Reference Mark. Often RMs are close to the parcel corner and can be selected by mistake while joining.
  4. Fixed a problem with Line Points when joining.
  5. LandXML will now handle jobs on a local datum.
  6. During the Adjustment, the program now displays the progress as the Normal Equations are formed.
  7. During entry of bearings and distances etc, when you type in a new value, you can restore the previous field contents by pressing Ctrl/Z
  8. You can delete the points when unjoining a parcel by using the option in the config file - see the example in GeoCadastreConfig.xml at line 31.
  9. Plan Examination can now accept and handle Parcel areas in SqKm and SqMiles
  10. Fixed a bug with areas displayed for parcels at high altitudes
  11. The Plan Examination report now only flags an error for connections to control points if they are less than 2.5 metres long.
  12. Changed the Tools/Advanced Cleanup option to move points onto control. It will now only move points more than 10mm away from the control point. It will also now list each point it moves and show the distance moved.
GeoCadastre V5.72    7 March 2016
  1. Changed Merge Two Point to retain the search distance tolerance
  2. Fixed Adjustment dialog to remember setting for including Historical parcels
  3. Added an option to display error vectors for inactive control points. Arrow vectors will be shown on inactive control points after an Adjustment or Check Fit have been done
  4. Fixed a problem in adjustment for excluding Historical parcels.
  5. Changed the joining to better compute the parcel scale factor when joining with minimal join data. The scale factor now turns Pink when it varies too much from 1.0
  6. Added some online help detailing the procedure for entering a river traverse. Search help index for 'River'.
  7. Fixed a small error in LandXML handling.
  8. Fixed a small problem in computation of across road connections.
  9. Have improved the use of line points in the parcel joining process.
  10. Have removed a bug in the calculation of a missing line when the parcel is on true mid bearings.
  11. Have improved the help info for multi-lot and doughnut parcels.
  12. Added a config item to auto copy 'Parcel Close' results to the parcel description. See line 27 in the GeoCadastreConfig.xml for the configuration example.
  13. Fixed a problem with an error display when entering some bearings
  14. Fixed a problem with display of Strata lots.
  15. Added a config item to enable/disable the Plan Examination check for a missing company name. See line 17 in the GeoCadastreConfig_NT.xml for the configuration example.
  16. Added a config item to enable/disable the Plan Examination check for missing across road joins. See line 18 in the GeoCadastreConfig_NT.xml for the configuration example.
  17. Fixed a problem entering bearing '90'
  18. Fixed a problem with auto copy Parcel Close into to description.
  19. Added a new option into Program Setting/Advanced to display the parcel the 'old' way. The new system placed the parcel in the centre horizontally and vertically on the screen.
GeoCadastre V5.71    21 December 2015
  1. Fixed a problem writing a job o a DXF file with unjoined parcels which caused bad co-ordinate values in the DXF file.
  2. Single click on a parcel with Historical parcel behind it, turned off will now select the non historical parcel correctly
  3. Double click on a parcel with Historical parcel behind it, turned off will now select the non historical parcel correctly
  4. Right mouse click now shows only shows Historical parcels (if enabled).
  5. Right mouse click now shows Historical parcels (if enabled) with '(H)' appended to indicate that it is historical.
  6. Parcel explorer now shows the Historical parcels with '(H)' appended to indicate that they are historical.
  7. On the Lines dialog, the '+90' button now redraws the diagram on each press.
  8. If F2-Point, F3-Brg,Dist or F4-Sq Offset are displayed and you double click on a parcel, it will now open immediately.
  9. Fixed a problem with 'Plan Examination' from the Lines dialog which showed the wrong jurisdiction.
  10. During parcel entry if you change the Compiled flag, the program prompts to see if you ant to update the accuracy. There is now a setting in Program Settings/Advanced to disable this question - it will always update the accuracy.
  11. In parcel lines entry, the program would ask for Across Road Connection (if enabled) every time, even when they already existed. This has been improved to only ask for missing across road connections.
  12. During parcel entry for a Links or feet parcel, you can enter a metric distance if necessary. e.g. Enter 'M100' for a 100 metre line.
  13. During Lines entry, there is a new menu 'Misc - Reverse Parcel Close' which converts an anti-clockwise parcel to a clockwise parcel by reversing all the lines in the close.
  14. During Lines entry, there is a new menu 'Misc - Scale Distances M->F' which converts the distances from Metres to Feet (multiplies by 3.280839895).
  15. During Lines entry, there is a new menu 'Misc - Scale Distances M->L' which converts the distances from Metres to Links (multiplies by 4.97096953).
  16. During lines entry, delete a line now redraws the parcel
  17. When editing a parcel the program was not always zooming to the full extent of the parcel.
GeoCadastre V5.70    20 October 2015
  1. You can now enter non metric distances into a metric parcel, Enter 'L100' to enter a 100 link line. The 100 links will be converted to a metric value in metres (20.117 metres).
  2. The same can be done for feet, 'F66' is 66 feet, on a metric parcel will be 20.117 metres.
GeoCadastre V5.70    20 October 2015
  1. Fixed a problem with reforming of strings from parcels that could be very slow for large jobs
  2. When entering a group of parcels, if the cursor is on the bearing or distance column, you can click on a line in the diagram and it will copy the bearing and distance to the bearing/distance columns.
  3. Fixed a problem when editing a group of parcels, the selected parcel is now highlighted correctly
  4. Fixed a problem with line attributes no being displayed on the diagram when editing parcels
  5. Fixed a problem with display of an error message when importing a LandXML file with no parcel centroid(s)
  6. Fixed a problem exporting a LandXML file with 'ReducedObs...'
  7. Fixed a problem when editing a group of parcels with shared curves the program would prompt for each parcel in the group.
  8. Fixed a problem when entering an extra parcel in a group it would zoom all.
  9. Added an error message if the program cannot find the help file with advice on how to solve the problem.
  10. Fixed a problem with some points not being deleted after unjoining a parcel
  11. Fixed a problem when unjoining a large group that caused Parcel Explorer to flicker.
  12. Added an error message if the program could not find the job datum in the selected PRJ file when exporting a ceXML file.
  13. Fixed a problem read in a job with a semicolon in the plan or parcel description.
  14. NSW jobs will automatically propagate the MGAZone attribute for control points
  15. If the <eraseUnjoinPoints> config attribute is turned on unattached control points will be deleted when unjoined
  16. Fixed a problem importing irregular boundaries in landXML files.
GeoCadastre V5.69    24 September 2015
  1. A new menu option View - View Historical Parcels allows the user to easily turn on/off historical parcels
  2. When editing parcel lines the program will now redraw the parcel on any data change.
  3. The historical parcel name display colour can be altered by a config variable <historicalParcelsColour> see standard config file for an example.
  4. Changed the Adjustment listing to always write the results directly to the Listing file. It will automatically delete the previous version of the file.
  5. The Modify Line Point option now automatically displays the line points on the screen.
  6. The Modify Line Point option now allows you to click on a line (just inside) a parcel to select a line point.
  7. Advanced Cleanup has a new option to reset points co-ords for points attached to control points.
  8. Some small changes made for LandXML (NSW) compatibility import/export and to handle missing Vertical datum.
  9. Added a warning when changing the GeoCadastre Config file, you must reload the current job before it will read in the new config file.
  10. Missing 995 Connection errors in Plan Examination Report are now added to the 'Fix Errors' list
GeoCadastre V5.68    27 August 2015
  1. Fixed a problem with Across Road Links, see help for details
  2. The Parcel Closure Report now also shows the raw calculated areas as well as the rounded area.
GeoCadastre V5.67    23 July 2015
  1. Added an option to Add/Edit Control Point to allow entry in Latitude/Longitude format.
  2. Fixed a problem with the 64 bit version of the adjustment which caused the adjustment to be aborted
GeoCadastre V5.66    13 May 2015
  1. The Tools/Lines/Change Line Details option is now easier to use for changing Line Types. You can set the new line type (say 21) and then click on a line on a parcel, then press save to confirm it. Then click on a line on another parcel, then press save etc.
  2. When editing a parcel, the drawing of the parcel has been changed to use the bearings and distances to draw the lines. Previously it used the points. Using the lines shows any bearing/distance data errors on the display.
  3. Fixed a problem with display of reference mark info being turned off when brg-dist display was turned off.
  4. Added an option to Parcel Explorer right click on a plan - Select All Parcels on Plan.
  5. The option to Insert lines when editing a parcel has been changed. If the cursor is on the left column, the INSERT key can be used to insert rows. Note that you can use Ctrl/I to insert rows at any time.
  6. The option to Delete lines when editing a parcel has been changed. If the cursor is on the left column, the DELETE key can be used to delete rows. Note that you can use Ctrl/D to delete rows at any time.
  7. The Merge Two Points dialog option has been changed to be quicker and easier to use, you now just click on the action button to 'Average Pts', or 'Use Pt 1' or 'Use Pt2'. The 'Use Pt 1' buttons show actual point number being used.
  8. When editing parcel lines, the '/' key on the keypad will reverse the bearing when the cursor is on the Bearing field.
  9. Fixed a problem with Plan Examination Report for unjoined lots with True-mid bearings.
  10. Note: There have been reports of GC crashing not long after being started on Win64 systems. I have seen it a few times but have not been able to trace the root cause at this time. Please let me know if this happens to you. GC should 'never' crash. If it does so, please let me know the circumstances.
GeoCadastre V5.65    24 April 2015
  1. Plan Examination report now detects missing Surveyor and Company
  2. When editing a parcel, Check Parcel menu option will now work while Admin data is displayed.
  3. Tools menu has been simplified to be faster ti use.
  4. Modify Line Point option now defaults to the selected point when started
  5. Parcel Explorer, right click on parcel 'Plan properties' option now allows you to edit the Surveyor and Company for each plan. It also allows you to edit other plan properties,
  6. Improved check for valid Locality in Plan Examination
  7. When saving changes to a parcel, you can now press Cancel to continue editing the parcel.
GeoCadastre V5.64    31 March 2015
  1. Fixed a problem with parallel offset on consecutive arcs
  2. Fixed a problem when adding a new lot to a group
  3. Fixed a problem highlighting first line when editing a parcel
  4. Fixed a problem not displaying all easement loops in 'Check Parcel'
  5. Fixed a problem drawing the edit screen after auto-joining some parcels.
  6. Fixed a problem exporting to DXF files to enable heights to be exported on 3D points/lines
  7. Tools menu changed to move Line point items and common point menu options onto the main tools menu
  8. Fixed a problem with deletion of parcels during Advanced cleanup
  9. Right click on screen will display a list of selectable parcels even if one is selected
  10. The Join dialog is now resizable to display residuals for large parcel joins
GeoCadastre V5.63    24 March 2015
  1. Changed quite a few internals to accommodate data entry and management of strata lots.
  2. Fixed a problem with datum on reading a LandXML file.
  3. Fixed a problem with 'Show Point' relating to local co-ords with a datum set.
  4. Fixed a problem with Batch conversion of landXML to ceXML.
  5. Fixed a problem with the display clearing when adding a connection to a joined parcel.
  6. Restored highlight of line when clicked on editing a parcel.
GeoCadastre V5.62    18 February 2015
  1. Added an option to force creation of strings from parcels to use the name 'lot/plan' instead of just 'lot'. Add this option into the config file. <stringsPlanName>Yes</stringsPlanName> if required.
  2. A new option has been added to select parcels by polygon. It allows the user to select the parcels by clicking successive positions on the screen to form a polygon. This will select the parcels inside the polygon. You can close the polygon by clicking on the start point again, or you can hit the ESC key and it will automatically close the polygon and select the parcels inside it.
  3. The previous option to select Parcels by Polygon has been changed to 'Select by Surround'. You press the left mouse button down and drag the mouse to draw a 'surround' line around the area of interest. When you release the mouse button, it will automatically close the surround and select the parcels inside it.
  4. The Pan Screen menu option ha been added to the top of the Right Mouse click menu to make it easier to pan.
  5. A new option has been added to the Display Options to display the bearings and distance text on the screen. The bearings and distances are displayed as entered on each parcel. See the 'Lot Bearing, Distance Text' option. Press the settings next to it to be able to choose the text colour, font etc. You can also turn on/off brg, dist text for short lines and easements
  6. Fixed a bug in Reading ICSM LandXML files which could hang the program.
  7. Several changes have been made for LPI NSW
GeoCadastre V5.61    23 January 2015
  1. Changed the layers used for DXF Exports
  2. Added a new option to the DXF export to control export of Historical Parcels.
  3. Added a new option to Import a LisCad file
  4. Added a new option to import a Civil3d LandXML file
  5. When importing a LandXML file GC will not report on parcels with missing centroids. If not provided, GC will calculate the centroid from the parcel surround.
  6. Fixed a problem on reading comments in the XML config file
  7. In a LandXML file, if the "ReducedObservation" record for a line in a road lot has a "desc" of "connection", it will be used a the boundary dimension for that lot.
  8. In a LandXML file, isolated "ReducedObservations which cannot be used in the parcel data will be listed in a dialogue box under the title "Isolated Lines"
  9. When exporting a LandXML file the "Use of Parcel" will only be written if there is a valid use type.
  10. When exporting a landXMl file the "Plan Quality" will no longer be written
  11. A new option has been added to read in LandXML files from Liscad, Carlson and Autocad systems, which have a different file layout to the ICSM standard LandXML file format.
  12. When multiple parcels are created in a same group with two or more parcels sharing an arc, on 'Apply', GeoCadastre prompts the user for changes to the existing parcels in the group also to be saved.
  13. Fixed a problem when importing a LandXML file, GC flags for missing observations (data lines) for adjoining and existing parcels
  14. Fixed a problem when there is isolated data, GC currently imports them as an unjoined parcel named 'dataline' and does not flag during the import as an error. The Name 'dataline' has been changed to 'isolated lines'.
  15. Fixed a problem importing LandXML so that any existing or adjoining easement is not imported.
  16. Fixed a problem when exporting LandXML file. The 'Use of parcel' in the Plan extended attributes is now only output if it was populated during the capture.
  17. Fixed a problem when exporting landXML file. 'Plan Quality' is in the Plan extended attributes is not translated out.
  18. Fixed a problem exporting a LandXML file. The ReducedObservation@distanceAdoptionFactor is now populated with the calculated line scale factor.
GeoCadastre V5.60    17 November 2014
  1. Fixed a problem with Importing Master Control File. The listing would show an update and an insert of control. It has been changed to only perform updates if the control point exists.
  2. Changed option to write to DXF file to check for change of easement/line type.
GeoCadastre V5.59    29 October 2014
  1. Fixed a problem with accumulating strings in the job. As strings were re-formed from parcels periodically, not all the old strings were being deleted. This could cause your file to grow over time. If you have no GeoSurvey strings in your job, you can clean out the strings by using The Tools/Cleanup Job 'Reform all Strings' option.
  2. Improved the way radiations are handled in the adjustment.
  3. Fixed a problem with display of some job errors.
  4. The 'GIS Tools' menu has been renamed to 'Extra_Tools' and has been placed next to the Tools menu (if set up in the config file, see GeoCadastre_GIS.xml for an example)
  5. A new function is available in the Advanced cleanup to set the line types from the line category. This should only used when importing ceXML file created by ArcMap.
  6. The Parcel Closure Report will now display the parcels in sorted plan/parcel order.
  7. Improved the Point Properties dialog layout and added display of latitude and Longitude if the job has a projection.
  8. Fixed a problem in the Tools/Insert Point option.
  9. Add an option to include Control points in the Plot Plan to PDF. Also improved the short line table positioning.
  10. Fixed a problem in Conversions/Write DXF File which could cause some parcels not to be written to the DXF file.
  11. Fixed a problem with autojoin creating line points on connections.
  12. Old metric parcel areas are now truncated according to QLD rules.
  13. Fixed a problem in Plan Examination which stopped detection of error when comparing computed vs stated area for NT plans.
  14. Fixed a problem with true mid bearings after an adjustment.
GeoCadastre V5.58    28 August 2014
  1. A new Report 'Topology Report' is available to detect slips and slivers where parcels are not correctly joined.
  2. The Tools/Show Job Errors 'Take Me There' option will now display the parcel/easement line correctly for Easement errors in Parcel Examination Report.
  3. A new option has been added to the parcels menu to select all the parcels connected to the currently selected parcels. This is useful to detect where you may have two or more 'network' which are not joined together.
  4. The Plan Examination Report now allows you to specify the close points tolerance and the line points tolerance.
  5. The Least Squares Adjustment has been improved to handle larger jobs.
  6. Added a 'Take Me There' button to Tools/Merge Two Points option so that when you enter point numbers this button will pan the job to display the points.
  7. Major changes have been made to improve the handling of True Mid Bearings.
  8. A new option has been added to the Plan Examination Report to take you directly to the 'Fix Errors' dialog.
  9. A new option has been added to the Adjustment Error Results to take you directly to the 'Fix Errors' dialog.
  10. A new Warning has been added to the Show Job Errors after an Adjustment. It allows you to 'Take Me There' to the point of maximum shift.
  11. When editing parcel lines, the Shift/Tab key now moves the cursor to the left.
  12. The Parcel Editor window position, Parcel explorer window position is now stored separately for each instance of GC running.
  13. Fixed a problem with quoted strings in the description field when saving selected parcels to a job.
  14. Fixed a problem with some line point not being created if a boundary line was co-incident with an easement line.
  15. Fixed a problem that the user defined Centroid would be reset when you edit a parcel.
  16. A 64 bit version of the program is also in this release GeoCadastre64.exe
GeoCadastre V5.57    11 June 2014
  1. Updated the GeoCadastreConfig_NT.xml standard config file to allow for Level attributes.
  2. Fixed a problem with Add/Edit Control that would not immediately load the added/changed control point into the screen listing.
  3. The Form Across Road Connections option has been moved to the GIS Tools menu. If you do not see that menu, select the CeoCadastreConfig_GIS.xml config file and/or copy the config data from that config file to your own config file.
  4. The Connections from Road Lot option has been moved to the GIS Tools menu. If you do not see that menu, select the CeoCadastreConfig_GIS.xml config file and/or copy the config data from that config file to your own config file.
  5. Improved loop closure checking for complicated parcels.
GeoCadastre V5.56    28 April 2014
  1. Changed NSW LandXML Import option. When adding connections to lots, the program will first try to attach them to ordinary parcels. If there are any connections which cannot be attached to any standard parcel, then the program will try to attach them to an easement parcel.
  2. Changed NSW LandXML Import option. If the first two characters of the "SurveyHeader@Name" matches a valid plan "Lodgement Type" (currently can be DP, PE or SP), then these characters will be stripped off the plan name and stored in the LodgementType extra attribute. So if the SurveyHeader@name is DP123456 the LodgementType will be DP and the plan name will be 123456. If either if these two characters are lower case in the LandXML document, they will be converted to upper case before they are used to check the lodgement type.
  3. Changed NSW LandXML Import option. The "adminAreaName" in "adminAreaType@Survey Region" will be corrected to be the correct case before testing and setting in the Land Development type. So whether the type is written as Urban, or urban, or uRBAN etc, it will become Urban. Similarly Rural, or rural or rURAL will all end up as Rural.
GeoCadastre V5.55    25 Mar 2014
  1. The SaveAs option will now default to save the file in the same folder as the original job.
  2. When doing a selective adjustment, the selected parcels remain selected after you accept or reject the adjustment.
  3. The display for NT areas has been corrected
  4. When editing parcel lines, you can now multi select rows. Press Ctrl or Shift key and press the left mouse button down and dragging it to the required row and releasing it. All the rows between the start and end row (inclusive) will be selected. You can then Delete all those rows in one go by Ctrl/D or the Delete Row(s) menu option.
  5. Fixed a problem in the PTXML file relative path to the ceXML file.
  6. Fixed a problem handling SSM control point names.
  7. Fixed a problem which could crash the adjustment on multi polygon parcels with connections on 997 lines.
  8. Fixed a problem with reversed curves on LandXML import.
  9. Fixed a problem with administrative areas in importing LandXML files.
  10. Fixed a problem when starting a New job ahen the current job has some drawing/markup, the markups was carried over to the new job. This has been fixed.
  11. Fixed a problem with the SaveAs option not defaulting to correct folder when the path contained a dot charcter.
GeoCadastre V5.54    18 Feb 2014
  1. A new menu option has been added to write a screen snapshot to a PDF file. One or more snapshots can be written to the PDF file allowing you to zoom and pan to the desired part of the job. The new option is File/Print Screen to PDF File
  2. The File/Print Plan to PDF option can be disabled in the config file with an entry <planToPDF>Yes</planToPDF>
  3. The Plan Properties screen Extra Attributes dialog has been fixed so that the tab order of the items is correct and it starts on the first field.
  4. The Parcel Properties screen Extra Attributes dialog has been fixed so that the tab order of the items is correct and it starts on the first field.
  5. A new button has been added to the Control Points manager to allow the selected control points to be Copied to the clipboard.
  6. The Control Points manager dialog now allows multiple Control points to be selected and Deleted.
  7. The Control Manager dialog box can now be resized to show more control points if necessary
  8. A new option has been added to the Control Points Manger - to Copy the selected points to the clipboard.
  9. A new option has been added to the Control Points Manger - to Paste control points from the clipboard into the job.
  10. The Image Manager dialog box can now be resized to show more images if necessary
  11. A new option has been added to the Tools menu - 'Delete Plans-Parcels'. This option displays a list of the plans or parcels and allows multiple selection and deletion. BEWARE! This option has NO UNDO option. Parcels will be unjoined before they are deleted.
  12. You can now use "part_connnection" (type 997) lines within easements. They are used for easements shaped like a doughnut (have a hole inside) and for multi polygon easements. The rules for using them are the same as for doughnut and multi-polygon parcels.
  13. When saving as a CEXML file, if the ESRI projection data is found in the config file it will now automatically use that and not prompt the user to select a file containing the ESRI projection data.
  14. Fixed a problem with GIS Tools - Create Parcel from Line option.
  15. After a selective adjustment, the parcels now remain selected.
  16. Fixed a problem with accuracies when updating an external master control file.
  17. The Save As option now defaults to the same folder as the original job.
GeoCadastre V5.53    7 November 2013
  1. Fixed a problem for NSW plans not allowing zone 57
  2. Fixed a problem when editing lines if you click in first column.
  3. Mapinfo Import option will now add extra attributes to parcels if selected, the attribute name is the column name in the Mapinfo file.
GeoCadastre V5.52    11 October 2013
  1. Fixed a problem loading images in the 64 bit version
  2. Fixed a problem when opening a job with a non-oriented image, the image would not display until a Reset-Orientation was done.
  3. Fixed a problem with Tools/Show Job Errors option.
  4. Improved the speed of the Plan Examination Report for large jobs.
  5. Improved the speed of loading the Parcel Explorer for large jobs.
GeoCadastre V5.51    3 September 2013
  1. The Cleanup Job option has been changed so that it does not have to be run twice to remove unused points. Previously, the program would remove unused points and then reform strings which could result in more unused points.
  2. Changed the save to file option to eliminate blank extra attributes.
  3. Change the save to xml format to eliminate blank extra attributes.
  4. Fixed a problem where extra parcel attributes could be copied from adjacent parcels.
  5. Fixed a problem with LandXML point attributes 'mark purpose'.
  6. Fixed a problem reading control points from .res file.
  7. Fixed a problem so easement parcels display correctly.
  8. Added an option to Cleanup Job to compress the point numbers.
  9. GC will now start in Maximised state (fills whole screen) if it was closed in a maximised state.
GeoCadastre V5.50    16 August 2013
  1. PLSS input has been improved to include metadata for Lines
  2. PLSS line accuracy now set from date in metadata
  3. A large number of internal changes have been made to support 64 bit code systems in the future.
  4. Fixed a problem with saving parcel line accuracy values when editing unjoined parcels.
  5. Fixed a problem with duplicate lines in LandXML files.
  6. Fixed a problem in Parcel Closure Report if no company name was specified.
  7. Changed option to read RES control to handle geographic co-ords.
GeoCadastre V5.49    22 July 2013
  1. LandXML "irregularLines" now supported. They become ESRI "lineStrings" in GeoCadastre
  2. LandXML files for the Northern Territory are now supported.
  3. LandXML connection to RM now uses the shortest route to a corner.
  4. Improvements to Check Parcel" routine for parcels in an unjoined group.
  5. Total area in multipart parcel now saved as extra attribute in the parcel.
  6. Changes to area routine to handle very large areas in NT.
  7. Improvements to Mapinfo Export .
  8. New Routine "Across road link" to calculate a skew connection across a road
  9. A new config variable allows you to set the default image transparency when an image is loaded ()
  10. A new config variable allows you to turn off plan description checking in Plan Examination ()
  11. Fixed a problem which could hang the program when saving a job with Auto Form String ticked.
GeoCadastre V5.48    11 April 2013
  1. Changed Jurisdiction when reading in a LandXML file, the jurisdiction is now set in the config file.
  2. Restructured Clean Job option into two options, Clean Job and Advanced Cleanup. The user interface has been redesigned to be easier to use.
GeoCadastre V5.48    4 April 2013
  1. Plan Examination Report is now complete.
  2. Plan Examination, removed parcel name check. Added an error number to each error in the listing.
  3. Plan Examination now displays Imperial area comparisons correctly rounded for NT Jurisdiction.
  4. Fixed a problem in display of some circular curves.
  5. Fixed a problem in reading NSW LandXML files with monuments on boundary points.
  6. You can now select text with a right mouse click and select it from the menu.
  7. Fixed a problem saving extra attributes
GeoCadastre V5.47    21 March 2013
  1. Moved the State setting into the xml config file.
  2. There is a new feature in the Plan Examination Report which checks the connectivity of the network and detects poorly connected parcels which may cause the Adjustment to fail.
  3. The Mapinfo export option now exports the same columns for parcels and for Easements.
  4. Fixed a problem with appending some files with floating control.
  5. Fixed a problem reading stated areas with trailing spaces.
  6. Plan Examination Report now checks for connections to control shorter than 30m should be
  7. Fixed a problem with True Mid Bearing tick box.
  8. Changed Mapinfo export to include userid for easements.
  9. Fixed a problem in Parcel Report which could cause a crash.
  10. Fixed a problem which clicking in a lines cell, the contents were not highlighted.
GeoCadastre V5.46    28 February 2013
  1. The area calculation in Parcel/Close Lot and parcel Close Report will now round down the area values.
  2. When editing parcel lines, the highlighting of the line on the diagram has been improved.
  3. Fixed a problem with the Adjustment dialog box size.
  4. New options have been added to the conig file to check entered line types, parcel types and locality/userid. See Config File for more info. Check the standard config file GeoCadastreConfig.xml for examples.
  5. The valid parcel/line types can be displayed on the properties/Lines dialogs if available. You can turn on/off the Line Types display via the Setting at the bottom of Program Settings.
  6. A new option 'Plan Examination Report' has been added to check for compliance with Govt rules for survey plans. See online help for details.
  7. The Plan Examination Report is also available for a single parcel or a group in the Parcel/Lines properties dialog box menu.
  8. Fixed a problem with the Parcel properties Apply button not being enabled on some data changes.
  9. The Check Parcel dialog has been widened to view long error messages.
  10. A new option has been added to the config file to allow user control of the number of decimal places for residuals in the Joining dialog box.
  11. The Check Parcel option now allows the results to be copied to the Clipboard.
  12. The Plan attribute 'Approved' now defaults to ticked. It also reads correctly for appended files.
  13. You can now de-select a parcel by clicking on it again. If Shift or Ctrl is held down, the clicked parcel will be de-selected and the others will remain selected.
  14. The Parcel Explorer option 'Pan to Parcel' will now also highlight the parcel so that it is easy to see.
  15. A new 'Pan to Parcel' option is available on the Zoom menu, you can key in the lot number and optionally the plan number to zoom to that parcel.
  16. The Lines dialog Check Parcel option displays a results dialog which is now resizeable.
  17. The Append File option now remembers the last appended filename.
  18. The Plan Examination report processes the parcels in Plan/Lot alphabetical order.
  19. Fixed a problem when editing Control points, if a control point was moved to another point, the old point was still regarded as a control point.
  20. Fixed a problem when duplicating parcel, it would only allow one duplication operation.
  21. The Cleanup Job option has been speeded up for large jobs.
  22. The Plan Examination Report will also detect multiple networks and list the parcels not connected to the main network.
  23. Previously F5 Check Parcel and F9-Close Lot both displayed the Miscloses dialog. F9-Close Lot will now only compute the closing line, compute the main loop misclose and display it at the bottom of the dialog.
  24. Fixed a problem which could cause a crash on editing appended parcels.
GeoCadastre V5.45    30 January 2013
  1. Mapinfo Export: Additional data is no exported, the Misclose bearing, distance and accuracy ratio have been added to the data in the .mid file for parcels.
  2. ESRI Shape File Import: This option can now read line data which has the bearing and distance for lines and use this to correct the parcel line data which has been inversed from the parcel file.
  3. Acres import: This option can now handle F16 type files.
  4. ESRI_XML export: This option now exporst the area units and plan accuracy.
  5. The Parcel Properties option 'Parcel Closure report' now handles all parcels in a group and all connection loops to those parcels. If you click on an item in the closure report, the loop that it refers to is highlighted on the diagram.
GeoCadastre V5.44    22 December 2012
  1. Changes made to reading CEXML files to accommodate the batch conversion option to LandXML.
  2. Added context help to Parcel Admin tab
  3. Added help to Parcel Admin tab
  4. Fixed a problem whne joining large parcels which made it sometimes very difficlt to click on a point in the large parcelwithout zooming in.
  5. Fixed a problem when unjoing several parcels which are grouped - the Parcel Explorer was not updated correctly.
  6. You cannow edit Plan properties by right clicking on the Plan in the parcel explorer.
  7. The Parcel Approved tick box is now unticked by default for new parcels.
  8. When a parcel is selected, the Lot/Plan name are now displayed in Light Orange, this is helpfrul
  9. when selecting unclosed parcels where the Lot text is not at an obvious centroid.
  10. Fixed a problem which hangs the PC or takes an extremely long time to redraw the screen if you zoom in too far on a large job.
GeoCadastre V5.43    20 December 2012
  1. Added an option to the View meny to turn on/off Text on the screen
  2. Added a warning message if you start inserting text and the text display is turned off. If you do this, you can enter text, but is then disappears until your turn on the text display.
  3. Changed the "Display Text' option to be saved as a job attribute in the .acs file.
  4. Changed text entry so that only pressing Enter key on OK button will complete text entry.
  5. Fixed a problem setting Polygon fill colour.
  6. Fixed a problem reading LandXML files which would not insert the zone for 'Placed' control points.
  7. The code has been changed so that Compiled parcels default to accuracy 4 and not accuracy 5 as this seems more appropriate in all states.
  8. When using "reset parcel accuracies" in cleanup job, the system now asks for the parcel type adopted for digitised parcels. These are then set to accuracy 6. This will allow the cleaning up of a data set where information has come from a variety of sources.
  9. Fixed a problem in joining line points which could crash the program
  10. Fixed a problem in batch mode conversion of landXML files which prompted for formation of line points. This has been set always automatically form line points.
  11. Fixed a problem with saving world files for image orientation.
GeoCadastre V5.42    6 November 2012
  1. Fixed a problem selecting a parcel after using ESC to un-select it
  2. A new option is available on the Parcel Explorer. Right click on a plan name allows editing of certain plan properties including the plan name.
  3. The Cleanup Job 'close points tolerance' parameter will now be remembered from one run to the next
  4. Fixed a problem in the delete radiation option to stop deletion from the middle of a series of radiations.
  5. Fixed a problem when adding a radiation to a joined parcel.
  6. Changed the Control Point Insert/edit to allow the 'Active' flag to b set/reset.
  7. The Drawing toolbar can now insert or edit text items.
  8. The Import master file option will now correctly display the results in Notepad or the specified text editor.
  9. A new option has been added to the Cleanup job function toconvert 995 lines to 999 lines.
  10. You can now double click on a plan in Parcel Explorerto display the Plan Properties.
  11. Fixed a problem in the Mapinfo Import job option to speed up the import of large jobs.
GeoCadastre V5.41    10 October 2012
  1. Fixed a problem with importing control from a master file, the Z accuracy value could be corrupted
GeoCadastre V5.40    3 September 2012
  1. The Closure Report now has a list of "Bad Parcels" first.
  2. The Closure Report will now also do a summary only of the lot closure details
  3. The Report on Parcels has been changed to add details for Queensland jobs. The original report was to check that areas of lots did not change after running the adjustment. So it put out the stated area, the area computed from the lines measurements (bearing, distance) and the area computed from the final coordinates.
  4. Changed formation of strings from Parcels so that radiations after the main close are coded as Traverses instead of Lots.
  5. The Square Offset display now shows the grid and ground distances if a projection is used.
  6. The Show Bearing/Distance option can now display the ground distance in Metres, Feet or Links.
  7. LandXML files for NSW can now have a local origin.
GeoCadastre V5.39    21 August 2012
  1. Fixed a problem with saving and reopening a job not restoring image state.
  2. Added a new feature in the Drawing options to insert a polyline.
  3. The LandXML Batch conversion will now operate without having a job open.
  4. Fixed a problem with the ESRI World Orientation file.
GeoCadastre V5.38    14 August 2012
  1. Fixed a problem which meant that you could not delete drawing lines or polygons.
  2. In Mapinfo Export now handles multi polygon lots
  3. When entering parcel lines the two missing bearings and two missing distance calculations are now available.
  4. Fixed a problem handling multiple lines (CR/LF) in parcel descriptions.
  5. Fixed a problem with image display when oriented which caused random lines to be drawn on the screen.
  6. Fixed the data content of an ESRI world file.
  7. Changed the 'increment lot number' function to allow for a suffix. Thus lot '12C' will increment to be '13C'.
GeoCadastre V5.37    8 August 2012
  1. Fixed a problem which meant that you could not delete drawing lines or polygons.
  2. Fixed a problem with the Batch LandXML conversion which did not recognise the config file.
  3. The LandXML export function will now also export image orientation files if requested.
  4. The LandXML batch conversion will now automatically join a parcel or group if possible before the export.
  5. The Join Parcel dialog box will now display the dx,dy values correctly when using very large point numbers.
  6. The Load Image option will now load .tiff files.
  7. Fixed a problem trying to select drawing lines when on top of parcel boundaries. If the Drawing toolbar is 'on', the program will select the drawing elements by preference. If the drawing toolbar is 'off' it will select the parcels by preference.
  8. A Properties and Delete button have been added to the Drawing toolbar.
  9. Fixed a problem when a drawing line properties were changed which moved the line to the mouse position.
GeoCadastre V5.36    24 July 2012
  1. The write LandXML option will automatically eliminate blank extra attributes.
  2. The Write LandXML option will now automatically flag boundary corners.
  3. When saving a job as an XML file (Geodata/ESRI XML) blank attributes will be discarded.
  4. The image manager dialog has been made smaller and will now remember its' previous position on the screen.
  5. The image orientation optionwill now remember its' previous position on the screen.
  6. Some new Keyboard keys can be used to access common functions, Ctrl+N for New Plan etc. See Keyboard Keys for more info.
  7. The image orientation process has been improved for more that two joining points.
  8. Fixed a problem stopping LandXML exports.
  9. A new option has been added to the F3-Show Bearing Distance option. A button next to the distance column now allows the display of the distance in feet or links. Press the button to change the displayed distance units.
  10. Fixed a problem in the Control Point Report to show the E/N of the adjusted values.
  11. A change has been made so that when saving a group it does not ask "do you want to save changes' on every parcel in the group.
  12. A new option has been added to Cleanup Job to delete unattached control points.
GeoCadastre V5.35    3 July 2012
  1. A new option has been added to the Image Manager to save the imag orientation to an ESRI compatible world file.
  2. A new option has been added - Conversions/landXML/LandXML Batch Conversion. This option will convert one or more Geodata XML (ESRI Compatible) files to .acs format and LandXML format and save them in sub-folders.
  3. The Write Mapinfo option has been upgraded to now automatically handle unclosed lots as plines. You can also set the arc segment size for circular arcs in the export of parcels. Parcels are exported as mapinfo "regions" which do not use parametric curves but instead display the curve as a series of chords.
  4. The Read and Write LandXML files has been chnaged to add provision for export and import of "Subdivision Number"
  5. LandXML - On all of the types of note import and export the program will not process the field if it is blank.
  6. LandXML - Fixed problem in setting the default value if the default value was 0.
  7. The number of extra attribute columns which can be used for plans, parcels and control has been increased.
  8. LandXML - Error messages have been added for unjoined parcels and if there are no joined parcels.
GeoCadastre V5.34    25 June 2012
  1. The Image loading and unloading has been improved with a new Image Manager. It can now handle multiple images and can rotate the images to the job. See Image Manager for more info.
  2. A new set of options has been added to allow drawing of Lines and Polygons onto the job. The user can shade the polygons and set the line colour, style and thickness. See Drawing Toolbar for more info.
  3. When saving an XML file, the default parcel bearing units and default parcel area units hae been changed.
  4. The maximum allowable extra attribute columns for parcels and lines has been increased.
  5. When reading an XML file, special characters are now allowe din parcel properties.
GeoCadastre V5.33    30 May 2012
  1. LandXML "PlanNote now handles special Characters
  2. LandXML "AdminAreaType now handles special Characters
  3. LandXML Problem with horizontalDatum now fixed.
GeoCadastre V5.32    23 April 2012
  1. Add and extra option to the Join dialog to 'Pan to Residual' which will pan the screen to the selected residual point.
  2. Fixed a problem when selecting parcels where you had to click twice on a parcel to select it.
  3. The parcel line types for unsurveyed lines are now displayed like this --- . . . --- . . . ---
  4. Fixed a screen display parcel problem when editing lines in groups of parcels.
  5. Import Master Control File option changed for Newgans files to allow optional updating for point heights and support for Dynanet Control files.
GeoCadastre V5.31    12 March 2012
  1. Fixed a problem with the Orient to Image option.
  2. Read control option to read Newgans format now reads the accuracy fields.
  3. Fixed a problem in writing landXML files fieldNotes.
  4. Changed Mapinfo export option to support lot/plan in Queensland format
  5. Fixed a problem with the Duplicate parcel option duplicating the database parcel id.
GeoCadastre V5.30    7 February 2012
  1. The program will now save the file much faster when saving very large jobs.
  2. A progress bar is now displayed when a file is opened to show file reading progress when opening large jobs.
  3. A progress bar is now displayed when reading in ESRI shape files.
  4. The program will now shutdown much faster when handling very large jobs.
GeoCadastre V5.29    19 January 2012
  1. Delete Note point option changed to allow for multiple lots using the node point
  2. LandXML read and write options changes to cater for LandXML schema changes.
  3. The Conversions/Acres input has been improved to cater for additional file types.
  4. Reserved Road (type 26) are now coloured purple.
  5. Parallel line option now works within group parels
GeoCadastre V5.28    9 December 2011
  1. Fixed some problems in LandXML reading and writing.
  2. Fixed problem with line points on radiations.
  3. Some extra error messages have been added to joining to better explain errors.
GeoCadastre V5.27    17 November 2011
  1. Fixed some problems in LandXML reading and writing.
GeoCadastre V5.26    15 November 2011
  1. Improved and updated input from "Acres" files.
  2. Added import for PcPlans files.
  3. Fixed a problem if an append was to an empty .acs file.
  4. LandXML - Allow ampersand and other funny characters in "Survey Company" field.
  5. LandXML - Fixed a problem if the first line in lot was a curve.
  6. LandXML - Stopped the survey date being also written to the legal date.
  7. LandXML - Fixed a problem in writing "state" for control.
  8. LandXML - Mark purpose for control points is now not written in the lines table.
  9. LandXML - The program now culls out blank plan notes.
  10. LandXML - If a mark state (MkState) is "Gone" do not bother with the type.
  11. LandXML - When drawing to a pdf file, do not include long radiations to control marks when deciding the plan extent
  12. LandXML - Fixed a problem which prevented MkPurpose being read if the purpose was "boundary".
  13. The Merge Two Points option has been changed to better handle point with database ids and control points.
  14. Several other cosmetic changes made for reading and writing NSW LandXML files
  15. Fixed a problem in parallel line function where the last line was short and side boundary was at an acute angle.
GeoCadastre V5.25    31 October 2011
  1. The Merge Two Points option has been changed to better handle point with database ids and control points.
  2. Several other cosmetic changes made for reading and writing NSW LandXML files
GeoCadastre V5.24    29 September 2011
  1. A new option has been added to the Program Settings to automatically re-form the Strings when saving the job
  2. Some small changes for reading LandXML files
  3. F2 function to jump to the next line in the lines table will now work from the 'To Point' column onwards
  4. The Write project Report details has been simplified.
  5. Some further changes to LandXML file reading and writing
GeoCadastre V5.23    19 September 2011
  1. Several changes to the LandXML read option.
  2. The Software key support has been changed. Contact your distributor if your software key does not work. If you are using a dongle, you can ignore this item.
  3. Fixed a problem in Writing parcels to a DXF file.
  4. Fixed a problem with Parcel explorer being left open could crash the program.
  5. Fixed a problem with selection of points/parecls with right mouse button where theere were more than five items.
  6. Merge two points with databaseids now prompts with a warning before allowing the merge to proceed.
  7. When selected point numbers are displayed, they will now use the text size as set by the user in the Display Settings.
GeoCadastre V5.22    15 August 2011
  1. When appending parcels which have the same name and plan as parcels in the existing job, the database ids (if present) will be copied to the appended parcels of the same name
  2. When creating or editing a parcel which has the same name and plan as an existing parcel, the existing database id (if present) will be copied to the ceated/edited parcel of the same name.
  3. The Edit Control option now allows the user to click on a point on the screen and the Control Point will adopt the co-ords of the clicked point.
  4. Fixed a problem with deleting control that they came back to life
GeoCadastre V5.21    10 August 2011
  1. Numerous changes to landXML reading and writing.
  2. Fixed a problem affecting centre points in append from an XML file
  3. Fixed a problem in Cleanup Job which displayed incorrect plan names when cleaning up unused plan names
  4. Fixed a problem in print to PDF which caused the linework to be omitted.
  5. Improved the print to PDF dialog to remember the last output file and last plan selected.
  6. Improved the PDF printing for large scale jobs, text is not scaled and will be shown at original size.
  7. Fixed a problem with printing to PDF which displayed unwanted curves.
  8. The File menu has been changed to move the Program settings and License options onto the File menu
  9. Several new options have been added to the geoCadastre_config.xml file to allow user control of the Control point display. You can decide on the Symbol, symbol size, text size, text angle and font used for displaying the control point name. A typical entry is like this. <controlPointsDisplay symbolSize="5" symbol="4" textSize="5.0" textAngle="0" fontName="Arial" /> A tip: If you want the old control point symbol - leave out the 'symbol="4"' entry.
  10. The control points option has been changed to also display unconnected control points.
  11. The database id number, if present, will be displayed for control points, points, parcels and plans.
  12. You can now show the Control Point properties by pressing the right mouse button on a control point and selecting it. The control point properties will be displayed allowing them to be changed if necessary.
GeoCadastre V5.20    27 July 2011
  1. A new option has been added to the Display settings to show a scale bar in the bottom left corner of the screen
  2. Fixed a problem that sometimes displayed the line points in a dashed line.
  3. The LandXML read option has been brought up to date. It handles the purpose of a reference mark. It handles the situation when a control point si salso a reference mark.
  4. The option to insert multiple lines from the parcel has been improved to work more efficiently.
  5. The control points dialog is now drawn correctly to scale on machines where the screen text size has been changed.
  6. Cleanup job has a new option to 'Reset Control'. It will compute new co-ordinates for the inactive control points. This is useful when moving from a local origin to a geodetic system.
GeoCadastre V5.19    22 June 2011
  1. Change parcel extended attributes to copy attribute values from a previous parcel in the same plan.
  2. A control point can now be generated during line entry without any co-ordinates. Use the Add Control option (right mouse button) to enter the name. When the parcel is joined, it will be given approximate co-ordinates and can be edited using the Control Points menu.
  3. Various changes to LandXML input and output to suit NSW specification.
  4. Fixed a zoom problem when you select the first point with the mouse in a group parcel.
  5. A new shortcut key has been added to the Lines dialog to move directly to the start of the next line.
  6. The joining process has been improved to ensure parcel position stays constant even if bad points are joined.
  7. Fixed a bug in the Control Points report printout to CSV file.
  8. The TAB key can now be used to move across columns in the Lines dialog.
GeoCadastre V5.18    27 April 2011
  1. A new attribute has been added to the Plan Properties dialog box. 'Approved'. This is ticked by default but can be unticked (un-approved) if required.
  2. A new attribute has been added to the Parcel properties - "Description" which can contain a text description of the parcel. This can be a maximum of 200 characters if the parcel is being transferred to a CDB cadastral database.
  3. The Report on Unjoined parcels has been changed to 'Parcel Closure Report'. It can now report on joined or unjoined parcels. It can also report on easement loop closures.
  4. Further changes to reading and writing LandXML files to manage NSW specifications
  5. Extended attibrutes with a null value are no longer included in output files
  6. When entering a new parcel, Control points can be created for any new marks shown on the plan. If coordinates for each mark are not available, they will be generated when the parcel is joined. This feature should not be used when editing joined parcels, or parcels which have been joined and then unjoined.
  7. In the adjustment report, the parcel line references have been amended. In the past, some were one line out.
GeoCadastre V5.17    25 February 2011
  1. In the Lines dialog, the menu options for Reverse Bearing(F6) and Close Lot(F5) are now shown in the Functions list as well as being available on the top menu line in one click.
  2. In the Lines dialog, the Copy Bearing from the line above (F7) will now also copy the distance value from the line above.
  3. The Split Job option now displays a dialog box to allow you to select the output filename. If an output filename is left blank, that file will not becreated. This allows you to just writeout the 'Selected' parcels to a new job.
  4. New function on the Tools menu called "Delete Node Point" to assist in merging lots extracted from a GIS
  5. The Mapino input now allows for default settings for lot type, accuracy, True mid Bearings and Ground distances
  6. Changes to LandXML input and output to reflect recent changes in the NSW LandXML format specification.
  7. Fixed a problem in importation of DOS format cadastral data files.
  8. A new GeoCadastreCongig_NT.xml is available in the zip file for Northern territory work. It allows an extra plan attributeto be set, Approved, or Un-Approved. the defaulkt value is "Approved' so this only needs to be set for Un-approved plans.
  9. Fixed a problem with the report on control.
  10. Fixed a problem with deleting node points.
GeoCadastre V5.16    15 February 2011
  1. The Parcel Lines 'Close Lot' option will now display the misclose results in a scrollable dialog box for easier viewing.
  2. The screen display for joining parcels has been changed, the points on the joining parcel are now shown in black as this colour contrasts better with the lines.
  3. The Job Settings now has an extra option to set the Job centroid. This will facilitate the entry of true mid bearing lots
  4. You can now right click on a line to display the end points and the bearing and distance of the line. Selecting that menu option will select the parcel.
  5. Fixed a bug when appending a job with unjoined parcels.
  6. The Tools/Line Points/Modify Line Point option will now display the line point offset.
  7. A new report is available for Unjoined parcels. It displays the close and calculated area of the parcel. It can be used to check parcels in a plan.
  8. If the adjustment is invoked by the Control menu, it will return to the Control menu when it is finished. This restores the way it used to work.
  9. Fixed a problem when entering parcels in a group, the program would crash after accepting the second parcel.
  10. Changed the parcel explorer to sort the lots by lot number on entry of a new parcel and joining and unjoining of parcels.
  11. The Lines dialog menu options are now available via key strokes. Use Control/I to insert a new row, Control/D to delete a row. This is very useful for repetitive operations, such as deleting a lot of rows, just press Control and hold down the D key. Check they available options on the Functions menu.
  12. The Image options have been collected under one menu 'Image' so they are easy to find and use. The new option 'Unload Image' gives you a way to 'turn off' the image. The new option 'Reset Image Orientation clears the previous orientation and does a zoom all.
  13. Fixed a bug which would expand all unjoined parcel plan lists when a single parcel was unjoined.
GeoCadastre V5.15    27 January 2011
  1. On the Lines dialog box the display of closes is now summarised in one results display rather than displaying each one separately.
  2. An extra check is done on parcel integrity at the start of the adjustment to detect parcels with no body and parcels with easements within the main body/close.
  3. The Report on Parcels and Lines now automatically supplies default filenames for the listings and the default file extensions are all csv files.
  4. The Adjustment dialog box is now resizeable and remembers its' last screen position and size. It also has an option to display the listing using a fixed width font.
  5. Changed reading of old DOS cadastral jobs to handle type 22 lines correctly
  6. Export of Mapinfo strings now include the lot name
  7. Fixed a problem when deleting a radiation to a line point.
  8. Fixed a display problem with parcel Explorer when un-joining parcels.
  9. The Adjustment dialog box will now remember the screen position from one adjustment to another.
  10. The Report on Parcels has been changed to output the misclose error ratio differently. The program used to output "1/2000", which caused Excel to interpret this as date. The ratio is now output as a single number "2000".
  11. The Report on Parcels and Lines now writes the parcels report to a .txt file.
  12. You can now turn off the Across Road Join questions for each road frontage when entering parcels. In the Lines dialog box, use the menu option "Functions/Ask for Across Road Connections"
GeoCadastre V5.15    17 January 2011
  1. Join dialogue box results now sorted by residual size.
  2. Further changes to LandXML read and write.
  3. Mapinfo Multi-part regions now converted to parcels.
  4. Changes to the Tools drop down list to group operation types.
  5. New Tool "Modify Line Point" can either move the point to its line or make it a node point.
  6. A new menu option is available on the Parcel entry dialog box to disable asking for across road connections.
  7. Fixed a problem with some points which would not display a symbol and could not be used for joining.
  8. The Adjustment is now available on a new toolbar button, 3rd from the right.
  9. The Adjustment dialog box will now not automatically close when you accept or reject the adjustment.
  10. The adjustment summary now scrolls automatically to display the Range of Residuals.
  11. The Conversion/Import shape file will now import Points, Polylines and Polygons as parcels. The import dialog will now display the DBF columns and allow you to assign data in the table to plan, lot etc.
GeoCadastre V5.14    17 December 2010
  1. During Lines entry F11 key (Copy 2 lines above) will copy the bearin from two lines above and wait for you to enter the distance.
  2. Fixed a problem with creation of Strings from parcels which removed the string segment colours. This shows itself in GeoSurvey.
  3. A new option added to Display Settings to display point numbers on the main screen.
  4. A new option to control the size of the point number text. This is used on the main screen, and also on the lines data entry screen.
  5. The Lines Width option and Historical Lines Width option have been moved from the Program setting dialog to the Display settings dialog
  6. Changed Mean Two Point options to not delete a point if it is a database point.
  7. The Lines Edit panel has been changed to highlight the row currently being edited
  8. Zoom/Zoom Previous option can also be invoked by the F8 key
GeoCadastre V5.13    6 December 2010
  1. The display setting options have been improved to allow the user to display the Plan name, lot name and to set the text size.
  2. The display settings now allow the GeoSurvey text to be turned on/off.
  3. GeoCadastre now remembers the previous screen size and position when re-started.
  4. A new Conversion option has been added to import Mapinfo files to create parcels.
  5. The Compute Line option now handles grid convergence correctly.
  6. Fixed a problem when adding parcels to a group which would crash the program.
  7. Changed the new Parcel creation to remove database id for new plan.
  8. When joining, the join dialog will automatically open to the position you last had it.
  9. Parcel Entry dialog now has a menu showing the options which occur on the Lines right click.
  10. The Show Point option will now accept the Enter key.
  11. The Parcel Explorer will now remember the window size when it is closed and re-open at the same position and size.
  12. The Parcel Explorer will now automatically re-open when you open the job again.
  13. The Parcel Explorer will now show the Lots in numeric orderinstead of alphabetic order.
  14. Fixed a problem when reading in XML files containing ampersand characters.
  15. Extra messages have been added to 'Cleanup Job' to provide a better view on what changes have been made.
  16. When joining a group, a message will be displayed to ask if the Auto Line Point calculation is to be done. For very large jobs this calculation can take some minutes.
  17. The method of calculating, see the help for Edit Easement for details.
GeoCadastre V5.12    10 November 2010
  1. Changes to better handle embedded blanks in names and multipart regions in Mapinfo input.
  2. Changes to reading and writing LandXML files to reflect latest ICSM standards.
  3. Extension of analysis for Project Reports.
  4. Added the Splitjob option to the File menu. This option will write the selected parcels to another file Job_A.acs and the unselected parcels to another file Job_B.acs. The current job is not changed.
  5. The Read/write LandXML file options have been upgraded to the latest specifications.
GeoCadastre V5.11    08 October 2010
  1. Control point report now includes heights and details of "floating: and "Unjoined" control points.
  2. Lines Report has corrected an error in the parcel area for parcels in links.
  3. The Cleanup Job routine now considers "floating" control before deleting unwanted points.
  4. Fixed a bug in the mapinfo export for data from the ACT.
  5. Corrected a bug in computing missing lines for easements where the lot was an append to an unjoined group.
  6. Very long "true mid bearing" lines are now handled more effectively in the adjustment.
  7. Fixed a bug in the parallel lines routine when it was used in a group parcel which had been unjoined.
  8. Geocadastre now can read and write LandXML files in the NSW Titles Office format to the ICSM standard.
  9. New routine to generate an annotated plan as a PDF file.
  10. New option to move line points back to their line in "Cleanup Job".
  11. The online help system has been converetd to use the new Windows help system.

GeoCadastre V5.10    28 June 2010
  1. Appended parcels can be added to joined space according to their append coordinates using the join process without actually joining to any existing points or lines.
  2. Improvements to "Plot to PDF"
  3. Parcel misclose shown in the Join dialogue now always in metres.
  4. If a point is deleted, any control points associated with that point are also deleted.
  5. Fixed a problem on importing Control Point when appending a job.

GeoCadastre V5.09    26 May 2010
  1. When a new parcel is added to a group it adopts the rotation scale from the source parcel. This allows parcels to be added to a group that has been joined and subsequently unjoined.
  2. The adjustment will detect any active control point which is not connected to the parcel network. A warning message will be given and the control point will be made inactive.
  3. Move Lot Centroid has been added to the options if a joined parcel is selected with a right mouse click on the parcel explorer. This allows the location of the lot number to be placed for unclosed parcels.
  4. The function key F8 has been activated as "zoom previous" when in the main screen. This is to facilitate the joining process.
  5. Change to Check Adjustment Continuity to overcome a problem in some jobs.
  6. Change in the way that control points are handled in an append job to overcome a problem. In some jobs, a control point could end on the wrong point after the append parcel was joined.
  7. UserId now written as an extended attribute in the XML file to match the way that ESRI models that variable.

GeoCadastre V5.08 24 May 2010
  1. Fixed a problem with the "Close Lot" function when used on a lot with compound curves.
  2. LandXML input and output for NSW now available. It requires the correct "config" file to operate.
  3. A new facility "Print to PDF File" is available on the "File" menu. This will be developed to "Compose" a survey plan from the stored data for that plan.
  4. Fixed a problem with "autojoin" when connecting a "perfect" lot with a "perfect" plan in a coordinate system with very large numbers.
  5. Fixed a problem in resolving the angular misclose for some parcels entered in "Angles" mode.
  6. Missing radial lines will only be added to joined parcels for an appended job.
  7. A "zoom all" is initiated if the first point in an "append to group" is selected using the mouse. This prevents the drawing from disappearing until the rest of the line is entered.
  8. Fixed a problem in the editor in selecting points from the screen using the mouse.
  9. Job statistics now lists the number of historical parcels.
  10. Inactive control points are now coloured blue to make them more visible.
  11. UserId added to Mapinfo parcels output.
  12. Project statistics now lists the number of historical parcels.
  13. When a new parcel is added to a group it adopts the rotation scale from the source parcel. This allows parcels to be added to a group that has been joined and subsequently unjoined.
  14. Enlarged the "Across Road Connections " dialogue box to allow for large point numbers.

GeoCadastre V5.07 24 April 2010
  1. Fixed a problem with reading and writing floating Control Points.

GeoCadastre V5.06 28 March 2010
  1. Fixed a problem with floating Control Points.

GeoCadastre V5.05 17 December 2009
  1. Fixed a problem with extra attributes being disabled.

GeoCadastre V5.04 9 December 2009
  1. The software lock settings have been changed to comply with Windows 7. This means that you may need to re-enter the dongle port selection, or the software key if you are using a software key.
  2. Added dialog box for extra attributes for control points. If the XML Config file has attributes specified for control points, this box will appear after hitting the OK button on the control point dialogue box. When you hit the OK button on the extra attributes box, both dialogue boxes disappear.
  3. Areas calculated for US feet data are now computed and displayed appropriately in the parcel editor.
  4. Fixed a problem with multiple additional line data columns which could crash the program when the cursor went past the right most column.

GeoCadastre V5.03 25 November 2009
  1. Fixed a problem with editing a file – depending on the text editor in use, it sometime opened additional files.
  2. The plans dialog will now accept multi line descriptions. It is limited to 1000 characters.
  3. The program can now read files with isolated control points (not tied to an existing point).
  4. The parcel properties box has been improved to display to the maximum size when started.

GeoCadastre V5.02 5 November 2009
  1. Fixed a problem with printing filled parcel by accuracy colour, it will now print the filled parcels.
  2. The License Settings option will now enable the Save/SaveAs menu options immediately, without restarting the program. If you start a job without a dongle attached and cannot saev your work because you are in demo mode you can now attach the dongle, use the File/Settings/License option to ‘Test Dongle’ and if it is found, the Save/SaveAs menu options can be used immediately.
  3. Fixed a problem in V5.01 for across road connection calculations.

GeoCadastre V5.01 14 October 2009
  1. Improved the way that the initial coordinated are made in joining a parcel when the parcel has been unjoined or appended to a job.
  2. Fixed a problem in calculating across road connections so that the stated width is used as a “ground” distance
  3. Annotation entered by GeoSurvey will be displayed in GeoCadastre – it now uses the job plot scale set by GeoSurvey
  4. When reading shape files, if there is no parcel name or no plan name default values are set
  5. Improvements to joining appended jobs.
  6. The Lines editing function keys have been improved. F5 Check Parcel. F6 Reverse Bearing. F7 copy bearing from line above. F8 Copy bearing from line above and add 90°. F9 Close Parcel.

GeoCadastre V5.00 25 August 2009
  1. Fixed a problem in Lines editing in the misclose for donut parcels.
  2. Appending a job will now import the appended job co-ordinates to make joining in the appended data easier.
  3. Ground distances are now used in the calcs for across road connections.
  4. The adjustment has been improved to better interpolate positions for non node points not used in the adjustment.
  5. Added the ability to define additional Line attributes on the lines edit dialog. The attributes can be defined in the GeoCadastreConfig.xml file, see sample file attached.
  6. Added the ability to define additional plan attributes via an ‘Extra..’ button on the parcel/plan admin edit dialog. The attributes can be defined in the GeoCadastreConfig.xml file, see sample file attached.

GeoCadastre V4.99 8 June 2009
  1. Updated the handling of Control Point database ids to preserve the ids when editing cadastral jobs from a cadastral database.

GeoCadastre V4.98 8 May 2009
  1. Changed the way files are opened so that if you pick a file off the File menu and it does not exist, an error message will be displayed.
  2. Added a feature to the Read Shape file option to read in additional extended attributes.

GeoCadastre V4.97 6 May 2009
  1. Added a new report on Control points to list the control point co-ordinates.
  2. A change has been made to the adjustment to better handle unclosed lots with curved lines.
  3. The Area report has been changed to handle very large parcels.
  4. A new option has been added to Import ESRI Shape files. The option to will handle multi part lots and name them ‘Pt1’, ‘Pt2’ etc.

GeoCadastre V4.96 27 April 2009
  1. Fixed a problem with initialisation of category codes.

GeoCadastre V4.95 22 April 2009
  1. Changed initialisation of lines codes to improve line cod conversion on older jobs.
  2. Added an option to the program settings dialog box to allow the user to choose the location and name of the GeoCadastre configuration file.
  3. Fixed a problem during data entry where entry into the last row would not automatically scroll the grid up one row.

GeoCadastre V4.94 15 April 2009
  1. Changes to better handle floating points and control points from un-joined parcels, especially when appending a job.
  2. The Square Offset dialog box can now display Ground Distances if required.
  3. Improvements to the additional attributes for the Lines table data entry.
  4. Increased the size of the xml file that can be read.

GeoCadastre V4.93 20 March 2009
  1. Fixed a lines table problem editing data in first column.
  2. Added a new option to right click menu to copy bearing from line above.
  3. Added a new option to right click menu to add 90 degrees to a bearing.
  4. Added Activation characters to the right click menu. You can right click and press a key to select an option instead of selecting it with the mouse. This is much easier for repetitive operations.
  5. Fixed a problem that the right click menu would not appear, instead a ‘Windows edit’ menu would appear when right clicking on a field that was being edited.

GeoCadastre V4.92 18 March 2009
  1. Fixed a data entry problem with lines bearings and distances.
  2. Upgraded ESRI shape file import to handle polylines.

GeoCadastre V4.91 4 March 2009
  1. Added the ability to enter additional line attributes to the Lines Table.

GeoCadastre V4.90 16 February 2009
  1. Fixed a problem with deleting control points
  2. Fixed a problem in “Cleanup Job” when rebuilding strings.
  3. Fixed a problem in project reports
  4. Added an option to the tools menu to allow user to set the Text Editor

GeoCadastre V4.89 23 January 2009
  1. Fixed a problem with ‘Getplot displays’
  2. Changed MapInfo import to handle un-joined lots correctly.
  3. Fixed a crash on GC on data entry.

GeoCadastre V4.88 15 January 2009
  1. Support for curves with arc length greater than 180 degrees in data files.
  2. Support for “Part_connection” to handle “donut” parcels (line type 997)
  3. Support for “Origin_connection” to handle connections from origin to parcel (line type 996)
  4. A Point category is now used instead of point type internally. At present both type, the category will be automatically derived from the point type.
  5. Point attributes are maintained for points unique to a parcel when the parcel is un-joined. If the parcel is re-joined to the parcel network, these points are re-linked to the parcel corners.
  6. Several new functions added to compute line points on curves for GSE.
  7. Floating control points are now linked to their parcel by the parcelid.
  8. Removed a problem in creating the first parcel in a new job.

GeoCadastre V4.87 5 January 2008
  1. Added an option to write a DXF file in the Conversions menu

GeoCadastre V4.86 10 December 2008
  1. Fixed a problem with deleting a radiation to a control point
  2. Fixed a problem if you exited using main window X button when editing a parcel.
  3. Enhanced the program settings button to reset the position of the Parcel Explorer and also the position of the Parcel Editor.

GeoCadastre V4.85 24 November 2008
  1. Internal structural changes.

GeoCadastre V4.84 22 October 2008
  1. Changes to Autojoin for better handling of RM’s and linepoints.
  2. Changes to the editor to better handle True Mid bearing parcels.
  3. Removed a problem in using the mouse to select data in the editor.
  4. The centreline easement routine can now handle easements where the measured line does not run down the middle of the easement.
  5. Fixed a problem in reporting the job datum in project report.
  6. SAE data can now be imported.
  7. ESRI shape file data can now be imported.

GeoCadastre V4.83 11 September 2008
  1. If a joined parcel is edited and there are curves in it, only new radial lines will be created. In the past, all radial lines in the parcel were stripped out and then rebuilt during the checking process.

GeoCadastre V4.82 8 August 2008
  1. Fixed a problem with panning for extended periods caused a problem with the fonts.

GeoCadastre V4.81 20 July 2008
  1. Fixed a few problems relating to parcel rotation.

GeoCadastre V4.80 10 July 2008
  1. Line points report and close points report now use the job units instead of always using metres.
  2. Changes to the way that “true-mid” bearings are handled in the editor
  3. Change to the way that “true-mid” lines are written in the lines report.
  4. Radial lines are now totally excluded from the Auto-Join process.
  5. Routine to create data from ESRI shape files

GeoCadastre V4.79 4 June 2008
  1. Fixed problem which could occur when deleting a parcel selected from the parcel explorer.
  2. Before adding “across road” connections, program now checks whether they already exist.
  3. Improved method of checking for multiple centre points in grouped parcels.
  4. Fixed problem in editing parcels with “true-mid” bearings.
  5. Fixed a problem in reporting on lots which do not have any points in the adjustment
  6. Message to warn if you delete a parcel with an attached control point.

GeoCadastre V4.78 26 April 2008
  1. Option to read in XML files will now tolerate a missing value field.
  2. When reading in XML files, the parcel centroids are recalculated.
  3. The display settings defaults have been changed for reading in new jobs.
  4. The program version number is now always displayed in the main window bar.
  5. Fixed a problem with < job not saved> being displayed in the main window bar.
  6. This message will only be displayed for a new job until it is saved the first time.
  7. The default for File Open now displays .acs and .xml files.

GeoCadastre V4.77 20 March 2008
  1. Added Control point accuracy to the Control Points Edit display.
  2. Added control point accuracy to the Adjustment listing for control points
  3. Fixed a bug in option to Update Master Control Points file.

GeoCadastre V4.76 5 March 2008
  1. Removed a problem in reporting the point of failure in the adjustment if it occurred in the back solution.
  2. Increased maximum number of lots allowed in the Adjustment to 5000
  3. Fixed a problem in reporting the rotation during joining.
  4. Changed the point properties dialogue box to allow the user to set the point type and point name. This is principally so that points can be flagged as reference marks (RM’s)
  5. Fixed a problem in reading ACT .TXT files where the reference to the plan from the parcel was not being correctly stored.

GeoCadastre V4.75 5 February 2008
  1. n retrieving a previous line in the editor, if the line is a curve, the radius will now be retrieved.
  2. During joining, the line width for the join parcels has been increased from .2mm to .6mm
  3. If an unjoined lot has a control point attached to it, the control point will now be deleted if the lot is deleted.
  4. Fixed a bug in reading an ESRI projection specification.
  5. Fixed a problem in reading the ESRI spatial projection from their XML file.
  6. US feet are now reported by the cadastral editor.
  7. Improved area calculations in “Report on Parcels”
  8. Removed a bug in area report which caused a crash from an illegal area for a parcel in a job.
  9. Lines report now correctly handles line type 0
  10. Update master file now always appends new data and does not clip the file to the points in the last job.
  11. Removed a problem in exporting Mapinfo lots

GeoCadastre V4.74 7 January 2008
  1. The error message in the adjustment which reports on bad line types has been improved.
  2. If a number of parcels are un-joined as a group and then edited, the drawing of these parcels has been improved by taking into consideration the scale and rotation of each parcel as it existed when it was part of the network.
  3. Fixed a problem in writing an ACS file created from an old DOS file.
  4. Improvements to un-join to clean up spare points left after the un-join.
  5. Fixed a problem in checking the licence.
  6. Set up line categories when reading old DOS files
  7. Removed a problem in the Adjustment Report if there was no company name in the job.
  8. Fixed a problem which could occur when editing lines in a duplicated parcel.
  9. Fixed a problem which could occur when editing parcels which had been grouped on un-join.
  10. Now keeps a backup file on save like GeoSurvey.

GeoCadastre V4.73 5 December 2007
  1. For points which are excluded from the adjustment, (non-node points), there has been a change made to improve the way that their coordinates are computed
  2. Procedures have been added to manage reference marks – Details are in the “Help” file.
  3. The LandXML input routines have been revised.
  4. There is a new tool called “Add Node Point” to deal with problem Line Points. Details are in the “Help” file.V
  5. The geodetic routines have been rationalised.

GeoCadastre V4.72 14 November 2007
  1. A new option has been added to read LandXML files.
  2. Fixed a problem in parcel misclose written to the acs file.
  3. Minor tidy up.

GeoCadastre V4.71 11 September 2007
  1. The right mouse button context menu has been changed. The properties option will now display the point properties if a point has been selected. If a Point is selected, the point properties will be displayed, if a parcel is selected, it will be highlighted.
  2. The Points properties display will now not allow any changes to the Type, it is a display only field.
  3. Added Append/Attach code for GSE

GeoCadastre V4.70 26 August 2007
  1. Control point names can now be shown when joining
  2. The CSV file which can be generated for control points now has a heading line.
  3. Radiations which are not connected to anything can now be deleted without unjoining the lot.
  4. Autojoin changed to prevent two parcel points joining on to the same point.
  5. Added the parcel accuracy to the lines report
  6. Increased the size allowed for export of XML file.
  7. Fixed problem in cad reports when it found an unclosed lot which was not flagged as unclosed.
  8. Several changes made for ESRI code version

GeoCadastre V4.69 3 April 2007
  1. Problem in reporting “lollypop Lots” has been corrected
  2. Distance units are now read in from XML files to allow processing of jobs in US feet.
  3. More than 200 close points can now be handled in “Tools\Cleanup Job”
  4. Mapinfo output now writes Datum specification for GDA correctly.
  5. Adjustment can now handle up to 2500 parcels.
  6. Ability to import Queensland LandXML files added. See: conversions/Read Landxml
  7. Problem fixed if the plan name was changed and the new name did not exist, some of the plan attributes could be lost.

GeoCadastre V4.68 29 March 2007
  1. Minor changes to the adjustment listing when output is in USA format.
  2. Bug fixed in reporting illegal line types in adjustment
  3. When adding control to a parcel at data entry, an error message is given if the control point already exists.
  4. Problem in reporting “lollypop Lots” has been corrected
  5. Distance units are now read in from XML files to allow processing of jobs in US feet.
  6. More than 200 close points can now be handled in “Tools\Cleanup Job”
  7. Mapinfo output now writes Datum specification for GDA correctly.
  8. Adjustment can now handle up to 2500 parcels.

GeoCadastre V4.67 5 February 2007
  1. Complete revamp of the format of the adjustment listing.
  2. Centre points are no longer allowed to also be line points.
  3. Improvement in the computation of elevation correction for lines.
  4. Automatic “Zoom All” after adjustment will only happen if a bulk shift has occurred.
  5. Incorrect error message for line point problems has been removed
  6. The error message for “lollypop” style lots has now been improved.
  7. Dialogue box improvements and extra error checking for the “Centreline Easement” and “Parallel Lines” routines in the editor.
  8. Revision and rewording of some error messages

GeoCadastre V4.66 24 December 2006
  1. Fixed a problem with reading and writing XML files with ampersand characters in the parcel names.

GeoCadastre V4.65 28 November 2006
  1. Fixed a problem which aborted reading the job if a parcel did not close properly
  2. Removed the function in Tools/Cleanup Job which ‘fixed’ the centre points, it zapped all the centre points.

GeoCadastre V4.64 23 November 2006
  1. Changed the Mapinfo output so that ArcMap can read the .MIF file.
  2. Fixed a bug in the Clean Up Job routine to handle tangential curves.
  3. Added routine to allow a control point to be added to an unjoined parcel. A right mouse click during entry or editing of parcel lines will through up a menu of special functions and the last one “add Control” will display the control dialogue box. If control details are entered here with the point number being the corner in the parcel it is to be attached to. If correct coordinates are entered, the control point will appear in the main screen in yellow. When the parcel is joined, the control point will be attached to the correct point in the parcel.
  4. Removed a problem in calculating some centre points where the curve was the last line in the “closed” section of a lot.
  5. Improved the routine to rationalise curve centres in “cleanup Job”
  6. Improved the “across road connections” routine for curved roads.
  7. Changed the join routine to speed up the joining of large groups.

GeoCadastre V4.63 1 November 2006
  1. Fixed a problem with setting of line accuracies the same as the parcel accuracy.

GeoCadastre V4.62 31 October 2006
  1. Fixed a problem in entry of lot number on Parcel Editor.
  2. Fixed a problem with misclose units.

GeoCadastre V4.61 25 October 2006
  1. Fixed a problem in display of Control points where first control point was displayed twice.
  2. Join parcels has been improved when joining a large network of true mid bearing lines.
  3. When parcels are unjoined, the Parcel Explorer will only expand the tree for the parcels currently being unjoined.
  4. Improved the parcel selection process when clicking the mouse.
  5. Fixed a problem with generation of parallel lines for road which was using a very large point number for the last point in the generated parallel line.

GeoCadastre V4.60 9 August 2006
  1. Fixed a problem in Report on Parcels which would crash the program.
  2. The Parcel Editor now allows you to change the case of a plan name (lower case to upper case).
  3. A new option has been added to the Parcel Line Right Mouse click menu. You can now send the cursor to any line number in the parcel by entering the required line number.
  4. When editing lines in a parcel, the PageUp key will move up 10 lines, the PageDown key will move down 10 lines.

GeoCadastre V4.59 20 July 2006
  1. Fixed a problem with editing or joining of parcels with breaks.

GeoCadastre V4.58 13 June 2006
  1. Fixed a problem when appending a file and including control, the parcel units could be reset to metres when the source was links or feet.
  2. The lot report for areas (Report/Report on Parcels) now parses the acres roods perches data and does comparisons between the stated area and calculated areas.
  3. Improvements to the parcels report in Report/Parcels and Lines.
  4. Error message now in place if an attempt is made to adjust a job without control.
  5. Fixed problem in reading line categories from an XML file

GeoCadastre V4.57 1 June 2006
  1. Improvements to the code which adds extra points to a joined parcel.
  2. The Select by Window option has been improved when using in conjunction with parcel explorer.
  3. Selection of parcels by mouse has been fixed for curved lots.

GeoCadastre V4.56 17 May 2006
  1. Autojoin will now work with a single joined point if the parcel is on a similar azimuth to the parcel network.
  2. Autojoin now uses a test distance of 0.15 metres to select new join points. If three or more point have been joined, the test distance is reset to three times the standard error or 0.15m, whichever is the larger.
  3. Fixed a bug which could crash the program during parcel editing when exiting with no edits done.
  4. Fixed a problem with line category not being set for across road connections.
  5. The Parcel Report format has been improved slightly.

GeoCadastre V4.55 27 April 2006
  1. Fixed a (minor!) problem in data entry of a parcel.

GeoCadastre V4.54 26 April 2006
  1. Fixed several small errors in editing of parcels.
  2. Improved the Joining slightly so that deleting join links is more consistent.

GeoCadastre V4.53 29 March 2006
  1. Fixed a problem in adjustment in handling of isolated radiations which are now excluded from the adjustment.
  2. Lines types are now displayed correctly for newly entered parcels.
  3. When saving to an XML file the user may be prompted to supply an ESRI Projection file. This question can be controlled by a tick box in the program settings to disable this question.
  4. Changed the indentation in the XML format. Also fixed a problem with the XML format format, added a missing angle bracket.
  5. Added a check to Mean Two Points to prohibit meaning two control points.
  6. Fixed a display problem for Precise connections
  7. When a parcel is edited, the associated strings are deleted and re-created from scratch to ensure that old strings are not kept.
  8. Easements option in Parcels and Lines Report has been disabled due to a bug.
  9. The program can now detect if two points have the same control point name and will automatically remove the control point name from the unlinked point.

GeoCadastre V4.52 28 March 2006
  1. A tick box has been provided to make the adjustment ignore Historical parcels if required.
  2. The adjustment report will now list lines with suspect distances in the bad lines summary.
  3. The line thickness for Historical lots can be set at a different width to normal lots so that they can be easily recognised. Use: File/settings/program settings menu
  4. A right click on point will now display the parcels connected to it as well as close points.
  5. There is an option to move the lot centroid after right clicking on a selected parcel
  6. In the Tools menu, there is a new option to set line accuracy by the line code. For example: if mean high water mark has been digitised from portion plans, these lines could be given a line code of 73 and all lines in the job of that code could be set to a particular accuracy.
  7. In the adjustment process, points on isolated radiations which were excluded from the adjustment are now calculated in a better way.
  8. Full implementation of the concept of categories for lines. From now lines will be grouped into the following categories and these categories will be used in decision making during the processing of data. The categories will be generated from the existing line types.
    Boundary: These are the lines surrounding parcels of land (Line types 0 to 899)
    Dependent: . (Easements, rights of way etc line types 900-994)
    Precise Connection: . This is a connection which is given a very high weight.(Line type 995) it is commonly used for short connections between a control point and the nearest boundary point so that the LSA effectively holds the connection as “fixed” and therefore also fixes the nearby boundary point.
    Connection: . For measured lines such as traverses, connections to marks etc(Line type 999).
    Radial: >. (line type 998) They are automatically created by the editor to join each curve centre with its corresponding boundary point. When a lot is brought back into the editor for changes or additions, the radial lines are first stripped out and then replaced as the parcel is exported out of the editor.
    Roads: . These can be used for creating “across-road” connections during editing.(line types 20 to 29)
    OriginConnection: . A special type of connection used in deed descriptions in the form: "from Point of Commencement .... to the Point of Beginning"..(Line type 996)

GeoCadastre V4.51 22 March 2006
  1. Fixed a problem when editing multiple parcels.

GeoCadastre V4.50 16 March 2006
  1. Test version. Several bugs removed.

GeoCadastre V4.49 7 March 2006
  1. Test version. The Parcel properties now allows editing of multiple parcels before saving.

GeoCadastre V4.48 22 February 2006
  1. Changed the control point handling to allow un-attached control points.
  2. Fixed several problems in the XML read/write routines.

GeoCadastre V4.47 15 February 2006
  1. Fixed a problem with corruption of the plan name.
  2. When a group of parcels is joined to the network the program will automatically add any missing line point records inside the group.
  3. When editing a group of parcels, you can change the parcel being worked on by clicking on the parcel. This will only work on the Parcel Properties tab. All changes to all edited parcels will be saved when you press the Apply button.

GeoCadastre V4.46 11 January 2006
  1. Occasionally quadrant bearings could be misread if the degrees, minutes and seconds symbols were imbedded in the text string.
  2. An active control point attached only to an unjoined parcel could corrupt the adjustment and cause it to fail.
  3. Major changes have been made to the XML file format for reading and writing of an XML format file.

GeoCadastre V4.45 8 December 2005
  1. Added an option to the File/program settings to reset the position of the Parcel Explorer dialog box. Sometime, particularly if multiple screens are used, the Parcel Explorer box can end up off the screen and cannot be located. This option will reset the position of the Parcel Explorer to the top right corner of the application.
  2. Added a new toolbar button to get the Display Settings dialog box displayed.
  3. Added a new option called Road Centreline Lot to “edit parcel” Where road centrelines are available as a framework for a parcel network, the centreline can be entered as an “unclosed lot” and this routine used to generate the connections from the centreline to the road boundary.
  4. The table of accuracies and default dates can now be modified by data stored in the XML file. Existing default values will also be written to the XML file.
  5. An error corrected in the calculation of areas for unclosed parcels in the “Report on Parcels” routine which could cause the program to hang. Now if a parcel is unclosed there are no area calculations in this report.

GeoCadastre V4.44 26 October 2005
  1. Fixed a problem in reading whole feet for feet and inches entry of distances for across road connections.
  2. Generating an across road connection in a group of parcels could reuse an existing point in the group.

GeoCadastre V4.43 5 October 2005
  1. Fixed a problem in Find close points in Tools/Cleanup Job that did not process easement points.
  2. Fixed a problem if you appended a file with control to a file without control, the join process would not work correctly because the parcels being joined were on the control point system and the main job was be on a local system. The appended parcels will now be transformed to the job co-ordinate system.
  3. Fixed a problem if a datum was set and the co-ordinates were local, adjustment could fail during the formation of equations. This situation is detected and the datum is reset to ‘None’.
  4. Fixed a problem if you unjoined a group of parcels and selected NO to unjoin them as a group, the program would still unjoin them as a group. This has been fixed. If you select No, they will unjoined as separate parcels.
  5. The selection of parcels by window has been improved.

GeoCadastre V4.42 7 September 2005
  1. Improvement made to method of handling very short lines in the adjustment.
  2. The screen size of control point text has been increased to 2.5 mm.
  3. If more than one parcel is unjoined at a time (such as selection by window) they can be made into a group which will allow rejoining as a group.
  4. Option added to the file menu to save unjoined parcels as a job.
  5. The option Tools/delete unjoined lots now also removes any control which is only attached to an unjoined lot.
  6. A problem in point numbering when adding a control point following the edit of another control point has been fixed.
  7. A problem when changing the parcel units while in the middle of entering a new parcel has been fixed
  8. You can now Pan the job more easily by pressing down the middle mouse button(the mouse wheel).

GeoCadastre V4.41 18 August 2005
  1. The Cleanup Job option will now automatically add radial lines to any parcel with a curve which does not have radial lines.
  2. The Update control file option will now allow the master control file to have a .csv or .CSV file extension.
  3. When reading in DOS Cadastral file, the dates are now converted to the new ISO8601 format correctly.
  4. Lambert Conformal projections are now supported in the adjustment.
  5. The Cleanup Job option has been changed to eliminate unnecessary warning messages when taking the mean of any close points.
  6. The “Add missing line points” option in “Cleanup Job” has been activated.
  7. Feet and inches input is now valid in specifying a road width to calculate the across road connection at the half angles
  8. A problem in Project Statistics option which could alter the job datum/zone has been fixed.
  9. The screen size of control point text has been reduced to 2.0 mm.
  10. If a control point is moved to a new parcel point, the control point name is now transferred to the new point
  11. Problems which occurred when adding a parcel to an existing plan via the new parcel and plan option have been corrected.

GeoCadastre V4.40 20 July 2005
  1. Fixed a problem when the plan name is changed it automatically set the plan units to M.
  2. Fixed a digitising problem where the grid ran out of rows every 10th digitised point.

GeoCadastre V4.39 13 July 2005
  1. Changed the way the date field works when a six digit date is entered. If the year is <= this year, the 05 becomes 200
  2. If the year is > this year it becomes 19xx. Thus 05 -> 2005, 06 -> 2006 etc.
  3. Added a plan description field to the admin tab of the dialog box.
  4. Added an extra field to the Lines Tab to display the parcel units and the stated area.
  5. Fixed a problem which would crash the adjustment on a parcel with no lines.
  6. Fixed a problem when deleting a line in a parcel with a curve at the end.
  7. When a parcel date is changed the user is offered an option to update the parcel accuracy for this parcel only or for all the parcels on the plan.
  8. If two control points on the same point would cause the adjustment to fail.
  9. The CleanUp job option will now automatically add radial lines to centre points if they are not present.
  10. When Strings are formed, the historical parcels are placed on a different layer called Historical.
  11. After entry of a group of parcels sometimes a subsequent parcel would be attached to the group.
  12. The adjustment listing now shows the parcel accuracy number at the top of the parcel listing. If a line is of different accuracy to the parcel, the line accuracy value is displayed.
  13. Fixed a problem on Check Lot on an unclosed parcel.
  14. The Change Line Tags option has been improved to highlight the selected line and enabled or disables the Save button when you change the line type or accuracy. The name has been changed to ‘Change Line Details’.
  15. When joining a group all the parcels were not moved in the Tree View from the Unjoined section to the Joined section.

GeoCadastre V4.38 28 June 2005
  1. Fixed a problem with the across road join tool which gave an incorrect connection bearing if the parcel did not have any points in the range 1-100.

GeoCadastre V4.37 22 June 2005
  1. The number of parcels which can be handled in an adjustment has been increased to about 3000, the exact number depends on the number of points.
  2. The program will no longer allow a line point to be formed on a precise connection.

GeoCadastre V4.36 8 June 2005
  1. Fixed a problem in Mapinfo conversion where the .mid could get out of sync with the .mif file if an error had been reported in the data.
  2. When a control point was attached to an unjoined parcel and the parcel was deleted, the control point was not deleted, this has been fixed.
  3. In the Report on Parcels and Lines two extra fields have been added to the Lines report, the C-O as a ratio of the line length, the effect of a C-O in bearing on the line length. This gives an indication of the significance of the distance and bearing errors.
  4. There is a new option in Cleanup Job to Force the connections to control points to be Precise Connections (995) to give them a higher weight in the adjustment.
  5. The display of parcels lines on the screen has been changed to allow the user to select the line width. There is an option in File/Settings/program Settings to allow the user to enter the required line width on the screen. This has no effect on the data stored, it is only affects the screen display.
  6. When editing a parcel, if you change the plan name, the program will prompt you to see if you want the new plan name to apply to this parcel only or to all parcels on the same plan.

GeoCadastre V4.35 1 June 2005
  1. Fixed a problem in joining which magnified the joining parcel.
  2. The Project Report now optionally includes a list of control points. The summary line has the job and datum so that the user can user can cut and paste in a text editor or Excel to select and delete as needed and then sort to get rid of duplicates.
  3. Updated the code to write XML file data to write strings data correctly.

GeoCadastre V4.34 27 May 2005
  1. Added option to hold boundary points of a job fixed during the adjustment.
  2. Added an option to select parcels by window.
  3. Changed the right mouse context menu for selected parcels to allow selected parcels to be unjoined.
  4. When updating a control points master file, the master file can be a csv file or a .acs file. If it is an acs file, the program will check that the datum matches the current job.
  5. Fixed a problem when writing the control points to the .acs file.
  6. The project stats report and the Jobs Stats report now include the number of plans in each job.

GeoCadastre V4.33 20 May 2005
  1. Major internal changes have been made to model the Plans separately from the parcels. This means that when the Date, Units or True-Mid attributes of a parcel are changed, it actually changes these on the plan, and hence the changes apply to all other parcels on that plan.

GeoCadastre V4.32 11 May 2005
  1. Fixed a problem on entry of dates, it will now accept an eight digit date as ddmmyyyy in Australian locale or mmddyyyy in US locale.
  2. When appending a job to an empty job the control points in the appending job are now handled correctly.
  3. Fixed a problem if there was no date field specified which would crash the program.

GeoCadastre V4.31 13 April 2005
  1. Fixed a problem on entry of dates, it will now accept a six digit date as ddmmyy.
  2. Fixed a problem with entry of name. Windows does not allow a job name to contain a ‘/’ character and the application now checks for that and displays an error message.

GeoCadastre V4.30 6 April 2005
  1. Fixed a problem which caused Zoom All not to work when opening file via Right mouse button ‘Open With’ option.
  2. The Append File option can now append xml files.
  3. When a group of parcels was joined, the Parcel Explorer did not move all the joined parcels to the Joined Parcels list.
  4. When a group of joined parcels was appended to an empty file, the parcels were imported as joined, where they should have been automatically unjoined and formed into a group. This has been fixed.
  5. Fixed a problem with some parcel co-ords not being computed for groups.
  6. Fixed a problem in joining if there was an unclosed parcel.

GeoCadastre V4.29 16 March 2005
  1. Adjustment report is always generated even when the job fails with a simple initial fatal error.
  2. The report Reports/Parcels and Lines has been changed to restructure the layout of the Lines information.
  3. The geodetic adjustment can now handle very short lines.
  4. Some better error messages have been added to the adjustment.

GeoCadastre V4.28 2 March 2005
  1. During data entry, it was possible to select “compiled” in Admin and not have it applied if you went to line data and then to exit. This has been corrected.
  2. In the Adjustment Report, the Lot Misclose and area has been changed from the lot units to metric units.
  3. After a group had been joined, the parcel explorer diagram was not updated for some of the parcels in the group until a redraw was carried out.
  4. 4.
    It was possible to join a parcel without actually attaching it to another parcel. This has been blocked.
  5. Improvements made for the interpolation of “unadjusted” points in true-mid unclosed parcels.
  6. The Parcel Misclose is now shown in the join parcel window for information before joining.
  7. Missing lines within an easement can now be calculated using the easement width.
  8. When writing a Mapinfo file, the Compiled, Historical and True_mid parameters are now included in Lots output.
  9. The order of the items in the lines report has been changed so that all the parcel data comes first and column for bearing error added. The bearing error is the measured bearing plus the parcel rotation minus the calculated bearing.
  10. The Geodetic calculation engine has been altered to accommodate USA datums, please report any errors immediately.

GeoCadastre V4.27 25 January 2005
  1. Fixed a problem which crashed the program if a ‘New Parcel on Same Plan’ was done on a plan with no date of survey.
  2. Fixed a problem with drawing complex groups during editing.
  3. Fixed a problem with parcels with a curve as the last line in editing.
  4. Fixed a problem with display of convergence, the sign of the value was inverted.

GeoCadastre V4.26 20 January 2005
  1. The XML file now can read and write all the job adjustment parameters.
  2. The job packetid (if present) is now read and written to the .acs and .xml files correctly.
  3. Fixed a problem which allowed multiple copies of the adjustment parameters to be saved in the job.

GeoCadastre V4.25 19 January 2005
  1. In the properties dialogue box, if the “unclosed” or “Historical” boxes are ticked, the “Apply” button will now become active.
  2. In “Duplicate Parcel”, if the source parcel was part of a group, the new parcel will not be part of that group.
  3. Job datum and control details added to “Job Stats” dialogue box.
  4. In “Report/Project Statistics” All sub-directories are searched and Job Datum and control details have been added to the list if information for each job.
  5. Fixed a problem in the saving of adjustment parameters in the job.

GeoCadastre V4.24 23 December 2004
  1. The Parcel Properties dialog box now handles the TAB key properly and moves from field to field. Also you can use the ENTER key to move to the next field.
  2. Fixed a problem when ticking the ‘Unclosed’ box on Parcel Properties, it did not enable the Apply button.

GeoCadastre V4.23 22 December 2004
  1. Fixed a problem with entry of Across Road Connection, the Cancel button would not work.
  2. Fixed a problem when entering curved sides after using TAB key from To Point.
  3. Fixed a problem in the adjustment handling of easement points being moved back onto the sides of the parcel.
  4. Fixed a problem in calculating two missing bearings or two missing distances in a parcel.
  5. When a parcel is closed any unused point are automatically removed and the drawing is cleaned up.
  6. Fixed a problem when units are changed when entering a new parcel, the distances are not scaled.
  7. Note the Pan to Parcel option has been removed from the Zoom menu. There is a Pan to parcel option available on the Context menu (right mouse click) on a parcel in the Parcel Explorer tree view.
  8. A new report on Parcels is available which includes the stated area, the area by co-ordinates (using grid distances if there is no datum, ground distances if the job has a datum) and the area by lines (measured distances).
  9. The Mean Two Points option has been improved to provide a button to automatically find close points and to pan the screen to view the two points.
  10. Fixed a problem reading control points from the .acs file which would assign a height value of 0.0 to points with no height value. You can change the height values in the Control Points dialog and set the height field to blank if you have no height values, or you can use the “Master File’ option to read new values for the control points.
  11. The adjustment report will now note if no height values are available in the job and that the job will be assumed to be at sea level.

GeoCadastre V4.22 1 December 2004
  1. Fixed a problem with area calculation in adjustment report.
  2. Fixed a problem with calculation of the misclose accuracy for parcels in Links or feet.
  3. Fixed a problem with control on unjoined lots.

GeoCadastre V4.21 24 November 2004
  1. The adjustment wiull now also check integrity of easements. It checks for closure and that the easement is continuous, it has no embedded lines.
  2. The Adjustment will now also handle 996 line codes as true-mid back connections.
  3. Fixed a problem with control points on parcels which are unjoined.
  4. The adjustment listing now includes a misclose.
  5. The plans report lists three areas into a CSV file, the ‘legal’ area, the grid area and the ground area.
  6. Fixed a problem in the misclose if the units were feet or metres, the misclose was being computed using the dimensions in metres and looked much worse than it was.

GeoCadastre V4.19 15 November 2004
  1. If you tick the compiled box on parcel admin dialog, the accuracy is now automatically set to class 5.
  2. Fixed a problem with “check lot” and zoom all affects the screen display.

GeoCadastre V4.18 10 November 2004
  1. Fixed a problem in creation of new parcel and plan.

GeoCadastre V4.17 10 November 2004
  1. Plan data now stored in separate chain of structures and appears after the strings in the file. This will allow future addition of other plan information such as the surveyor’s name, date of lodgement etc.
  2. If the date is changed on a parcel, the date will automatically change for all other parcels which come from the same plan. The accuracies of those parcels will not be automatically changed.
  3. “New Parcel Same Plan” will select the next available parcel number which has not yet been used. So, if the plan number is selected by clicking on lot 6 and lots 7, 8 and 9 exist, the lot number for the new parcel will be set to 10.
  4. Tick box added to parcel properties menu to indicate if a lot is not a closed polygon.
  5. This replaces the 997 parcel code. All lots with a 997 type of parcel code will automatically have the "unclosed" flag set when the job is read in and the 997 code removed.

GeoCadastre V4.16 22 October 2004
  1. Bug fixed in properties menu which could cause a job crash.
  2. Bug fixed in parcel report which could cause a job crash
  3. Additional tool added “connections from road lot”. This will build a series of connections for a road lot and attach them to the parcels fronting the road lot. The road lot can then be unjoined leaving the parcels and their “across road” connections. This is mainly useful where digitised parcels and their imbedded roads have to be incorporated in a parcel network.
  4. Improvements to “Add Control menu”.

GeoCadastre V4.15 4 October 2004
  1. Improvements made to the “check parcel” option in the cadastral editor.

GeoCadastre V4.14 27 September 2004
  1. Input of PLSS GMM data now can include adjusted points, lot names and Control points from the “.lx”, “.an” and “.con” files.
  2. The operation of the Tools menu options ‘Mean Two Points’, ‘Add Line Point’ and ‘Delete Line Point’ has been improved.

GeoCadastre V4.13 21 September 2004
  1. The joining display dialog box has been changed o display the from/to points from the first join line.

GeoCadastre V4.12 16 September 2004
  1. When reading .pts files with long path names the program could crash, this has been fixed.
  2. When reading .pts files with incorrect line points the program was assigning the line points to the wrong parcels. this has been fixed.

GeoCadastre V4.11 15 September 2004
  1. When Entering across road connections at the end of a parcel editing session, the dialogue box remembers the road width from the previous value entered.
  2. Fixed a problem when deleting unjoined parcels.
  3. Fixed a problem when inserting a new parcel on the same plan, it did not display the admin data correctly.
  4. When finished joining a parcel, it will now automatically select the next parcel to join.

GeoCadastre V4.10 15 September 2004
  1. When Entering a new parcel, when Accept is pressed, it will increment the lot number and allow the entry of another parcel.
  2. When Appending a parcel, when Accept is pressed, it will increment the lot number and allow the entry of another parcel.
  3. After the adjustment, the user must accept or reject the results before proceeding.
  4. The maximum number of parcels allowed in a job has been changed to 2000.
  5. When parcel type is a road, the parcel lines will be drawn in brown.
  6. The datum and zone are now stored in the ACS format. e.g. ‘GDA94’ and ‘Zone 53’.
  7. There is a new option on the Control Dialog to update the Master Control Points file. Press teh ‘Master File’ button and you have another dialog box which can read from the Master file or Update the master file. The Update Master File option will insert the control points from the local job into the Master file. This option can be used to build a master Control File. The Master Control file format is a CSV (comma separated value file) and can be edited in a spreadsheet easily.

GeoCadastre V4.09 2 September 2004
  1. When reading files with text items the program would sometimes crash on saving the second consecutive job. This has been fixed.
  2. Enabled the USA PLSS data import option.
  3. The datum and zone are now stored in the ESRI format, it will still read the old format but older versions will not be able to read the ESRI format. If you need to revert, change the datum and zone from ‘GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_53’ to ‘GDA94’ and ‘Zone 53’.

GeoCadastre V4.08 19 August 2004
  1. When un-joining, some line points on the un-joined lot were left behind. This has been corrected.
  2. When editing a joined parcel with curves in it, the centre points were removed. This has been corrected.
  3. Can now change the radius and sign of the radius on a joined parcel.

GeoCadastre V4.07 27 July 2004
  1. Duplicate Parcel menu now closes correctly.
  2. A problem which could sometimes occur while a group of parcels were being joined has now been fixed. Additional corrupt line point records were created for the group of parcels. These records were not saved with the job and the problem was only evident if an adjustment was run immediately after the joining process.
  3. When new parcels have been created as a group, the internal line points are now automatically generated when the group is joined.

GeoCadastre V4.06 15 july 2004
  1. Changes to the properties dialogue box to automatically set the accuracy by the date or by the compiled status if the accuracy has not been set before.
  2. Changes to the way that selection/de-selection of points is carried out to facilitate the joining process.
  3. Radial lines are now excluded from having line points set on them by autojoin.
  4. Tools/Cleanup job will now automatically mean all “close points” less than 50mm apart.
  5. Problem associated with adding lines to a joined parcel has been fixed.
  6. In edit parcel, when the apply button is hit, the parcel is saved and the edit session terminated.
  7. Curves where only the arc is specified are now handled correctly.
  8. On start of lines entry the cursor now starts in the grid
  9. Fixed a number of small problems with data entry and new parcel display.

GeoCadastre V4.05 26 June 2004
  1. Fixed a problem when saving old format .pts files.
  2. Groups are now handled properly on parcel creation

GeoCadastre V4.04 17 June 2004
  1. When reading DOS files the True Mid Bearing flag could be mis-interpreted.
  2. Fixed a problem in the Delete Line Point dialog box
  3. Fixed an adjustment problem in handling line points on true mid bearing lines.
  4. Increased the tolerance for forcing on line points to cater for pastoral leases in NT.
  5. Changed the joining to close the join dialog after the join is complete.
  6. Added a new option to the Lines Edit mouse context menu to generate easement from a centreline traverse.
  7. Added a check when the parcel is read in to validate line point records to detect line point record corruption in some old DOS parcel files. It will now detect the corrupt line point and automatically fix it.

GeoCadastre V4.03 9 June 2004
  1. When reading DOS files with multiple easements coded 981 it generates a 991 and a 993 type easement.
  2. Fixed a problem where blank lines in the Lines data entry screen could crash the program.
  3. Removed some spurious error messages on points display ranges.
  4. The ‘New Parcel Same Plan’ option now sets the Units correctly.
  5. Improved analysis and handling of complicated parcels in the adjustment.

GeoCadastre V4.02 28 May 2004
  1. The Parcel explorer is now refreshed when a parcel is added or deleted.
  2. Changed the parcel joining display to display the first parcel name in Bright Magenta, this is what is used to ‘drag’ the parcel around the screen.
  3. Lines dialog box automatically starts with point 1
  4. A new option is available on Lines dialog right mouse button to ‘Close Lot’.
  5. On entry of a parcel plan name, the program will automatically fill in the plan data if the plan has been used before.

GeoCadastre V4.01 20 May 2004
  1. Fixed a problem when lot names > 20 characters were entered which caused a crash.
  2. Fixed a bearing problem in the ‘parallel line’ option.

GeoCadastre V4.00 19 May 2004
  1. First release of new look version with tree control on search icon to display parcels list and new data entry/editing dialog box to enter admin data and/or parcel lines.

GeoCadastre V3.58 19 May 2004
  1. Fixed a problem in reading control points from a job file which has been processed by GeoSurvey.
  2. Easement parcels are now displayed using the ‘easement’ colour and line styles.
  3. Enhanced the USB Dongle support to display supported packages.
  4. A new option has been added to allow entry of parallel offset lines for roads. Set the parcel type to 21, enter one side of the road and press the ‘Compute Line’ button. The program will prompt you for the road width and the bearings of the boundary cuts at the start and the end of the road. It will then compute the offset parallel line and make it into a parcel. The line is computed to the Right’ of the existing line, if you want it on the left, set the width to be a negative offset.

GeoCadastre V3.57 7 May 2004
  1. Fixed a problem where changing a sequence of line tags with the ‘Lines’ option could crash the program.
  2. Fixed a problem in Append which caused the display of the parcels to be corrupted if a join was cancelled.
  3. Fixed a problem in Job Cleanup where the ‘Delete Unused Points’ option could erase some line points.
  4. Added USB dongle support

GeoCadastre V3.56 29 April 2004
  1. Changed adjustment to improve convergence.

GeoCadastre V3.55 22 April 2004
  1. Mapinfo output now does not output historical easements unless requested.
  2. Point properties dialog box now clears the name field correctly
  3. Matrix singular error reporting has been improved.
  4. Join parcel routine has been speeded up

GeoCadastre V3.54 8 April 2004
  1. Fixed a problem with display of Adjustment results.

GeoCadastre V3.53 6 April 2004
  1. Fixed a problem with reading a Master Control file.

GeoCadastre V3.52 24 March 2004
  1. When strings are formed, the string colour and line style will now default to ‘ByLayer’ except for easements, connections and roads.
  2. Fixed a problem with centroid after editing a joined parcel.
  3. Mapinfo export changed to export curved lines correctly.
  4. Lines tagged as type 71 have the accuracy set to 5.

GeoCadastre V3.51 19 March 2004
  1. Fixed a problem when reading some jobs with no control which could cause a crash.
  2. Fixed a problem with writing of curved easement lines to Mapinfo files.
  3. The ‘Update Control Points from File’ option now display detailed results of which points were read, which had errors etc.
  4. If the adjustment was terminated in the formation or solution of equations, the program now displays an adjustment report.
  5. The View display defaults have been set to show all data.
  6. Fixed a problem with MapInfo export which duplicated parcels with connections attached.
  7. In the Lines data entry dialog box the Compute Line function would not compute any missing line outside the closed part of the lot. This was a problem when entering easements as there is often a line without dimensions. This has been fixed.

GeoCadastre V3.50 10 March 2004
  1. When reading control point names from old DOS format file (.dat,.str,.pts) the program was truncating the control point name to 10 characters, this has been increased to 20 characters.
  2. When reading in parcel file, the program will now allow an accuracy code of 0, which is interpreted as ‘Use the date to derive the accuracy’.
  3. A new option has been added to the Tools menu, Cleanup Job. This will reform the strings from the parcels, you can optionally erase all strings before starting. It will also now optionally erase any unused points in the job.

GeoCadastre V3.49 5 March 2004
  1. Fixed a problem with Mapinfo export file headers.
  2. Fixed a problem in curves with negative radii in Mapinfo export.
  3. Fixed a problem when line accuracy was set to a 6 or 7 it was not written to the output file.
  4. A new option has been added to allow Program Settings. A tick box is available to turn on/off the special ‘Fix Accuracies’ processing to handle old format jobs.
  5. Fix Accuracies - When reading in a compiled plan parcel, the program would set the parcel type to 0. It now does not change the parcel type unless it was a 16 or 17. The codes 16/17 were previously used to flag compiled plans and thus in this case the code is set to 0 and the compiled flag is set.

GeoCadastre V3.48 3 March 2004
  1. Duplicate parcel now allows the lot name to be changed and also allows the parcel to be duplicated to be selected with the mouse. This option no longer duplicates line points.
  2. The relationship between parcels and strings has been changed to link them by name. Thus when a parcel is unjoined its strings are deleted.
  3. The program will now preserve GeoSurvey Text items and will update their position if the job co-ordinates are transformed during an adjustment.
  4. When reading in parcel with illegal accuracies, the user will be notified of the error and can choose to proceed or abort. If you proceed, the accuracy will be set to 7.
  5. The Tools/Change Line Tag option has been improved so that it can now change the line accuracy as well. Click on the line in the parcel you want and the parcel will be highlighted on the screen and the plan and lot number will be displayed. Change the line tag and accuracy as required, the accuracy must be 1-7.

GeoCadastre V3.47 1 March 2004
  1. Fixed a problem with the Tools/Add Line Points option which would cause line points to be added to unjoined parcels.

GeoCadastre V3.46 26 February 2004
  1. A new main menu option is available ‘View’ to control the display settings. The display settings for the Points, Control and plan/lot numbers can now be turned on and off by options in this menu. A more complex display settings dialog box is available to turn all the displayable items on or off. In addition it can exclude certain parcel types from the display, this is useful when some parcel types (mining leases) overlay others and obscure them. In addition the index for the colour accuracy table is shown.
  2. The display options now allow the point symbols to be turned on/off by the user.
  3. The CTRL or SHIFT keys can now be used with the mouse to select multiple parcels. Once selected, the Unjoin option will unjoin all the selected parcels.
  4. When editing the Lines of a joined parcel, the bearing distance and radius may now be changed. Be Careful of changing dimension of joined parcels - you should do another adjustment. Note that From/To point numbers cannot be changed.
  5. When an adjustment is done, the listing file is stored in a .TMP file until the adjustment is accepted, then it is renamed to the final .LST filename. The adjustment summary display dialog box data can be selected with the mouse and copied to a text editor (and printed) if required.
  6. Fixed a problem when deleting a parcel which caused a crash. It happened if you deleted the last parcel in the job, this was generally the last parcel entered or duplicated.
  7. The Job Stats report is now displayed in a simple edit box. This facilitates cut and paste of the report text to a text editor. It also has extra information. It includes the job name, the name of the last parcel in the job (usually the last parcel entered - this is useful if you need to know where you are up to with data entry). It also includes the length and point numbers of the shortest line in the job and the longest line in the job.
  8. When clicking on two points which are very close you can use the ALT key to select the ‘2nd’ point.
  9. When duplicating parcels, the lot number is incremented correctly when the lot consists of lot and section number (‘2/17’).
  10. After entering a new parcel, the program will automatically start a new parcel with the same plan admin info.
  11. Fixed a display problem when some unjoined lot points were not deleted.

GeoCadastre V3.45 23 February 2004
  1. A new option is available on the Tools menu to clean up the generated strings. The strings are generated from the parcels as parcels are joined, sometimes they need to be completely reformed. This option will do that and will also clean up any associated text for the strings.
  2. Improve the handling of curved easements.
  3. The joining now allows a point to be joined to a radiation.
  4. The mis-close in a parcel will now be displayed in the data entry units instead of always being in metres.
  5. The adjustment would crash if the job filename was greater than 45 characters in length. This has been fixed.
  6. The program will now check that the job Datum and Projection are present in the Map Projections file. If not, the user will be given the option of reading in the job with no datum and projection.

GeoCadastre V3.44 11 February 2004
  1. If you have a software key to activate the software, you will need a new key to run this version. Please contact your software distributor for a new software key. Run the File/Settings/License option and copy the ‘Raw Key’ value and send it to your software distributor via email. A new ‘Final Key’ value will be returned to you, paste it into the Final key fied and press the ‘Test Software Key’ button.
  2. When parcels are entered in a group data entry of curves has been improved to allow entry of curved by arc distance only. It will check the adjacent lines to derive the curve chord details. If a line is defined by the point numbers are each end it will get the bearing and distance from a previous parcel if possible. Not that point numbers can be entered by clicking on the points on the screen.

GeoCadastre V3.43 9 February 2004
  1. During Lines entry the F8 key will now check the parcel close.
  2. Fixed a problem with reading old .pts DOS cadastral jobs which contained line points, this caused some parcels to be corrupted.
  3. When joining, the join points on the parcel network and the join parcel in different colours.
  4. Fixed a problem when meaning two points where you had to click the ‘Mean’ button twice.
  5. Fixed a problem which crashed the program if there are no unjoined parcels and the ‘Join’, ‘Admin’ or ‘Lines’ buttons were clicked.

GeoCadastre V3.42 5 February 2004
  1. Fixed a problem in the adjustment which set every line type in the job to 22.

GeoCadastre V3.41 5 February 2004
  1. The Select Parcel option has been improved is its handling of the list when parcels are unjoined or deleted. It can also handle parcels with the same name correctly.
  2. During parcel entry, the parcel an automatic Zoom All is done after each line is entered. If the user does an explicit Zoom function, it will stop doing the automatic Zoom All.
  3. During parcel entry the Zoom All is done to half scale so that the full parcel can be seen in the main window and is not obscured by the Lines dialog box.
  4. Fixed a display problem for line point symbols not being displayed in the right quarter of the screen.
  5. The Line Points display can now be turn on or off in the Tools menu - ‘Display Line Points’
  6. When entering a new parcel the first point number is automatically set to 1.
  7. During parcel joining a line point is displayed in the dialog box as LP instead of point number 0.
  8. Fixed an error in the Mapinfo export option which output an incorrect central meridian.
  9. Improvements made to the Add Line Points, Delete Line point options in the display of selected points
  10. The Show Point, Bearing/Distance and Square Offset selection of points now show the points selected with a rectangle and displays the point numbers in blue. When deselected, they are erased.
  11. In the adjustment, the number of iterations has been hardwired to 1. If you want more than one iteration, run the adjustment multiple times.
  12. Note that Line type 22 is a connection which is also flagged as a road type. Note that all lines tagged 20-29 are treated as types of road boundaries.
  13. Handling of 998 construction lines has been improved for editing unjoined lots.
  14. When joining a parcel and a join is unselected the residuals are changed to remove the point.

GeoCadastre V3.40 29 January 2004
  1. The Print toolbar Icon now invokes the Print screen option.
  2. The digitising image option is now available while editing a parcel.
  3. The adjustment has been changed to add better explanations of some of the more obscure adjustment error messages.
  4. When a point is selected the point is highlighted with a small rectangle and by displaying the point number.
  5. A new toolbar button has been added to enter Control mode.
  6. The Job Statistics option now displays the number of points in the job.
  7. The Control mode options have been changed to stop users exiting the control menu incorrectly.

GeoCadastre V3.39 22 January 2004
  1. Fixed a problem with Pan to Point which caused subsequent dialog boxes to not be able to be closed.
  2. Improved Pan to Point to work from the F6 key as shown on the Zoom menu. Also changed Pan to Point to highlight the point on the screen.
  3. The F2 key will ALWAYS start the ‘Show Point’ dialog box.
  4. The adjustment is now limited to adjust a maximum of 1000 parcels.
  5. Fixed a problem with the adjustment which crashed when displaying the results for jobs with a large number of bad points.
  6. The adjustment tolerance values are now saved correctly into the job file.
  7. Fixed a problem which caused a program crash if the user tried to add a parcel to a group if there was no un-joined parcels
  8. The centre point computation has been changed to compute from the raw line dimension rather that the Bowditch adjusted line dimensions.
  9. The adjustment listing is now saved into the same directory as the job file.
  10. In the Lines display the scroll bar buttons will now correctly allow the parcel lines to be scrolled in any direction.
  11. The Colour Parcels option is now available in the Toolbar menu.
  12. Fixed a problem in the adjustment with the handling of true mid bearings on jobs with no datum.

GeoCadastre V3.38 19 January 2004
  1. Fixed a problem with the adjustment if point one did not exist in the job.
  2. Added a progress bar to the adjustment.
  3. Fixed a problem with control point names containing corrupted characters which caused the program to crash.

GeoCadastre V3.37 15 January 2004
  1. When starting a new parcel the cursor is now positioned in the bearing column ready for the first bearing and the first point number is automatically set to ‘1’.
  2. A new option has been added to the Tools menu to allow the user to edit and file using their favourite text editor, Notepad is the default. You can also set the favourite editor and it will be used whenever the program needs to display a text file, for example at to display the adjustment results.
  3. Bearing, Distance dialog box and the Square Offset dialog Boxes now close correctly.
  4. The residuals display on the join dialog box is larger to allow for the scroll bar.
  5. The points display routines have been improved to display points at the correct times.
  6. the F5 now correctly does a Zoom All.
  7. When editing a joined parcel, the program will display an error message if the user attempts to delete or change any of the joined parcel data. The joined parcel data is read only, this is indicated by the background of the grid cell being grey instead of pink.
  8. The mouse wheel can now be used to pan the screen up/down or left to right or to zoom in/out. Move the mouse wheel to pan up/down, press ALT and move the wheel to pan left/right. Press CONTROL and move the wheel to zoom in/out. There is also a tick box on the job settings called ‘Mouse Wheel’ which set the default action of the mouse wheel to Zoom in/out.
  9. A bug has been removed from the Join display box when autojoin was used. The residuals for Autojoined line points were not displayed correctly.
  10. The program will now accept additional lots during data entry. You can enter any number of parcels together as a group. When entering a group, the entry of curved sides automatically check the adjacent parcels to determine the centre point to use for the curve.

GeoCadastre V3.36 12 January 2004
  1. Bugs fixed in the adjustment in the allocation of weights and the dE and dN values for the report. Both bugs probably came in during the changes in V3.35.
  2. In adjustment report, ground distances are now shown instead of grid distances
  3. The adjustment summary now includes the C-O sigma value, the maximum shift and a list of the worst errors in the job. It has also been enhanced with facility to view output file. The user can reject or accept an adjustment after looking at the summary. If the adjustment is rejected, the co-ordinates for all points will not be changed.
  4. The screen display has been improved to make point numbers more legible.
  5. The Lines data entry dialog box automatically scrolls up when the bottom is reached.
  6. When new control points are added they are now set to “Active’ by default.
  7. All adjustment parameters are now saved when you save the job.
  8. When parcels are being joined, the program will now highlight each point selected on the main parcel network or on the new parcel. It will also display the join lines on the screen immediately, including the first one.
  9. The join dialog display now lists the main network point and the join parcel point numbers for each join. It also now displays this data from the first join.
  10. The LAIS “number” is now forced to be three characters e.g., 030 etc
  11. Fixed a problem where a lot with more than 600 sides would not calculate mis-closes correctly when in the joined mode.
  12. The parcel selection options have been changed to select the parcel on the first click and to colour the selected parcel in Yellow. It will also draw the parcel lines and highlight each of the parcel points with a small rectangle.
  13. As new control points are added, they are now immediately displayed on the main network.
  14. Mean two points routine improved.
  15. In adjustment report, bug removed which sometimes gave a “Bad code on radiation” message incorrectly. The line number in the lot is now reported in the error message.
  16. When old files are used, easements coded 981(Electronic Communication and Electricity) will be turned into two easements: Electricity supply (991) and Electronic Communication (993).
  17. Code added to handle short lines (less than 250mm long) and still allow 100mm wide access prevention strips at the end of roads.
  18. The pan screen optiopn now draws the screen cleanly.
  19. The F2 Show Point option will now highlight the point correctly, especially after a screen redraw.
  20. The Lines edit screen will now make any lines for a joined parcel Read Only so that they cannot be changed.

GeoCadastre V3.35 15 December 2003
  1. All lines in a selected lot are coloured red to aid identification.
  2. When in add control mode, all points in the screen are “dotted” to aid selection
  3. Control point heights are passed across to the point.
  4. The add control dialogue box starts at the right of the screen
  5. The line points report has offsets to 3 decimal places.
  6. In adjust menu, parameters are remembered.
  7. Connecting lines in joining are drawn dotted
  8. Redraw called after changing line tag
  9. Bad code on radiation will not be flagged for type 22 (road).
  10. Bearing and Distance box has been modified to remove OK button.
  11. Line type 11 is now reserved for Un-surveyed lines, they will be drawn as a dot dashed linein the colour mauve.
  12. The error message “Error in reference in cadsolve” has been fixed.
  13. When data comes from a cadastral database or a GeoSurvey job certain points may be marked as control point and have a control point name but will not have the ‘control co-ordinates’. The program will now fabricate a control point record and will use the point co-ordinates as the control co-ordinates. These control points will be flagged as inactive. This facilitates processing data extracted from the database.

GeoCadastre V3.34 30 November 2003
  1. USA grids now available using reference grid file.
  2. Join vectors now displayed during the joining process.

GeoCadastre V3.33 3 November 2003
  1. Lambert projection now available for USA work.
  2. Bug corrected in reading coordinates from Newgans adjustment for updating coordinates.

GeoCadastre V3.32 3 November 2003
  1. Bug corrected in handling “digitised” lots (Type 7) in the adjustment which could set the coordinates of these lots to x=0 and y=0..
  2. Multi- easement line codes in old files (.par ) are automatically converted to separate easements. Easement type 961 generates easements type 994 and 99 Type 971 generates 970 and 992, type 973 generates 992 and 991, type 974 generates 991 and 990 and type 975 generates 970,992 and 990.

GeoCadastre V3.31 31 October 2003
  1. Bug corrected in calculating the arc to chord correction in the initial lot orientation phase in the adjustment which caused instability in some circumstances.
  2. The point where the biggest shift occurs is now displayed at the end of the adjustment.

GeoCadastre V3.30 28 October 2003
  1. Reading of old files (.par etc) improved in the handling of control data.

GeoCadastre V3.29 17 October 2003
  1. Numbering of lots in PLSS Townships has been corrected.
  2. Point type and station Name now added to point attributes for each control point.
  3. Local area code now read from the “70” record for old parcel files.
  4. The program can now be started from the command line with the job to open as the first argument.

GeoCadastre V3.28-9 September 2003
  1. Revision of the joining process.
  2. Revision of the append process to handle large data sets which include “digitised” parcels.
  3. Mapinfo export of parcels and easements has been revised with respect to the way that line points are handled. If a line point exists for the particular line being tested (that is they both have the same end point records) it will be adopted. If the line point has been generated for another line and its offset is within the test limit and the distance from the line point to the nearest end point is greater than the test limit, then it will also be adopted.

GeoCadastre V3.27-1 September 2003
  1. Rewrote the Mapinfo extraction to handle the easment to easment line points.
  2. If it has not been set before, the adjustment will now set the derived lot accuracy into the parcel record.
  3. Improvements to the lot dragging routines when joining a parcel to facilitate moving large groups of parcels.
  4. In the extraction of parcels in Mapinfo format, the lot accuracy is included in the .mif table for each lot.
  5. A button called “colour parcels” has been added to the toolbar. It will turn on or off the colouring of parcels according to their accuracy.
  6. When un-joining a parcel with line points, the lot on which each line point lies has to be amended and its associated string has then to be reformed. This process has been amended to correct an error which sometimes left the line point in the string.

GeoCadastre V3.26-29August 2003
  1. Improvements to the Mapinfo extraction to handle the easment to easment line points.
  2. The colouring of lots has been improved.
  3. Changes made to the method of computing the initial orientation of parcels in the adjustment

GeoCadastre V3.25-19August 2003
  1. Improvements to the Append process when dragging a large number of parcels.
  2. Control points and unjoined lots can be appended together with a joined group of parcels.
  3. A tool added to delete duplicate parcels – see help notes.
  4. Selected lots are now coloured to increase their visibility

GeoCadastre V3.24-5August 2003
  1. Easement points are now automatically put back on to the side boundary of lots at the end of the adjustment if they are within the line point tolerance
  2. ACT .TXT files from the Canberra cadastre can now be imported.

GeoCadastre V3.23-16July 2003
  1. Highlight lot now thickens all of the lines.
  2. Point numbers are shown on the joined parcels as they are selected in the joining process
  3. Point numbers are now written horizontally but offset at 30 degrees from the corner.
  4. The zoom menu has been changed and zoom to parcel implemented.
  5. Changes to the Adjustment to improve the stability of the solution.

GeoCadastre V3.22-16June 2003
  1. Line points in an appended job are now handled correctly.
  2. Export of easements to Mapinfo now correctly handles line points.
  3. Mapinfo export in Queensland version uses lotplan instead of lot/plan in mapinfo tables for lots and easements.

GeoCadastre V3.21-13-June 2003
  1. Help messages have been updated for all dialogue boxes.
  2. Some dialog box changes have been implemented.
  3. Software key is now supported.

GeoCadastre V3.20-10-June 2003
  1. Help messages have been provided for all fields in all dialogue boxes.
  2. In parcel entry, “across road” connections are now generated correctly when the road boundaries are curved.
  3. Line points are now used when generating parcel boundaries for the Mapinfo export.
  4. Quadrant bearings are now displayed if USA units are selected in the job settings menu.

GeoCadastre V3.19 9-April 2003
  1. A problem which could occur when joining the first parcel in a new job has been corrected.
  2. The tab order has been checked and set for all dialogue boxes.
  3. A report generating project statistics has been added. It will examine all .ACS files in the current work directory and for each file will report on the following: File Name, total lots, number joined, total lines, total connections, total radial lines. There is one line per file with the values separated by commas.
  4. Digitizing lines in the parcel edit mode has been improved. Lines are now drawn and the lot recomputed as points are selected with the mouse.
  5. Adjustment now caters for very short lines (less than 300mm) which can occur with steps in party walls etc.
  6. The adjustment will manage curved easements even if the easement data is excluded.
  7. The tools menu has an option to delete all unjoined parcels. This has been added to facilitate the “clean up” of a job.
  8. When updating control coordinates from a control file, all control points in the file are tested but the program will only warn of unused control which is inside of a window which surrounds the job with 100 metres clearance.

GeoCadastre V3.18 21-March 2003
  1. Program name has been changed to GeoCadastre
  2. Four new buttons have been added to the toolbar. They are:
    Properties to display or change the administration details for a parcel.
    Search to select a joined or un-joined parcel.
    New Parcel to start a new parcel
    Duplicate to duplicate a new parcel
  3. Joined parcels can also be selected with the mouse by clicking inside the parcel. When selected, all the points in the lot are highlighted.
  4. Points can be selected by clicking with the mouse. If the properties button is pressed the point details will be displayed.
  5. The ESC key can be used to quit out of most menus as well as to un-highlight any points.
  6. A floating menu for zoom functions and properties can be invoked by use of the right mouse button.
  7. The image routines have been improved. It will now orient using two just points if that is necessary. If three or more points are used it will use an affine transformation. If more that four points are used it will detect bad points and exclude them before computing the affine transformation parameters.
  8. Changes have been made to the Lots Report
  9. The dialogue box for point parameters now shows grid convergence and point scale factor if the job co-ordinates are on a geodetic datum.

GeoCadastre V3.17 16-March 2003
  1. The main toolbar has been changed.
  2. Under parcels, the following options are available
    Select Unjoined To select an unjoined parcel
    Select Joined To select a joined parcel
    New To create a new parcel
    Duplicate To duplicate a parcel
    Admin Displays the Admin data for the currently selected parcel
    Lines Displays the line data in the currently selected parcel
  3. The control menu is now under the Adjust option.
    Select unjoined parcelshas buttons to initiate the menus for “Admin”, “Edit lines” and “Join” and a button to select delete. Note, if a parcel is deleted, there is no provision to undelete it.
    Select joined parcels has buttons to initiate the menus for “Admin”, “Edit lines” and “Unjoin”. Parcels can be selected from the screen by clicking on to the lot number with the mouse.
    New will set up a new parcel and display the admin menu for that parcel. If a lot on the selected plan has been entered before, Some of the admin details from that plan such as the plan date etc will be set up.
    Duplicate will duplicate the selected parcel. If the lot number is numeric, it will add one to the lot number and use that for the new parcel. The new parcel will then be selected.
    If the parcel is accepted, the duplicate menu will be redisplayed for the next parcel. This allows the operator to generate a number of parcels when they are all the same. If you hit the cancel button, the current parcel will not be created.
    Admin displays the admin data for the parcel currently selected and allows editing of that data.
    Lines displays the lines for the parcel currently selected. If the lot is joined, line can only be added. If the lot is unjoined, lines can added or deleted as necessary.
  4. The Mapinfo output will now generate a series of short chords for curved lines on parcels.

GeoCadastre V3.16 23-Feb 2003
  1. Digitizing has been implemented in the data entry module. The “from point” and the “to point” can be selected by mouse from points on the screen If the cursor is on the “to point “ column and there is a valid “from point” new points can be selected by clicking on points on the image. Each time that an image point is selected a point will be created and a line generated from the previous point.
  2. Further checks have been added for line point records in the adjustment.
  3. True mid flag now read for old files (.pts)
  4. C-O limit upper limit in the adjustment can now be set to 50 metres.
  5. Autojoin when appending a file has been improved.

GeoCadastre V3.15 31-Jan-2003
  1. Bug removed in the feet and inches input which rejected whole inches
  2. Improvements made to the joining process for line points.
  3. Pan to point has been implemented.
  4. The drawing of a background image has been implemented for .BMP files. A button on the toolbar invokes a dialogue box to select the image file, and the zoom menu now has an option to orient the file to the drawing.
  5. The “True Mid” and “Compiled” tick boxed in the parcel admin data dialogue boxes are now operational.
  6. An “order of accuracy” number is now stored for each parcel and one can be also stored for each line if desired. Parcel codes in the range above 1999 are automatically translated to lot accuracy codes. The existing rules for weighting in adjustments still apply, but the use of lot and line codes to force specific weighting will be phased out in favour of directly setting the parcel or line order of accuracy.
  7. An “are you sure” message box added to the “Delete Parcel” option.
  8. Button provided for Tags menu.
  9. Job Parameters menu has been implemented.

GeoCadastre V3.14 12-Jan-2003
  1. Append a job has been implemented. The job is read in and displayed ready for joining to the existing data. If joining is carried out the lots are appended to the existing data. Provision has been made to also include unjoined lots and control points from the appended job if required.
  2. When editing a Parcel, the current units, date and parcel tag are set from the existing values as soon as the plan is selected.
  3. Problem fixed in the joining where the mouse could not drag the new parcel if the ”show joined parcel” operation had immediately preceded the join parcel operation.
  4. When the “mean two points” option is used, the second point will now be deleted after the points have been meaned.
  5. Error reporting in the adjustment phase has been improved.

GeoCadastre V3.13 31-Dec-2002
  1. The adjustment module has been revamped and weighting for lines and parcels revised.
  2. Minor changes have been made to the Adjustment report to tidy up its layout.
  3. Changes made in the process for unjoining parcels.

GeoCadastre V3.12 10-Dec-2002
  1. Error corrected in the joining when clicking on a point to deselect it.
  2. Error corrected in the routine to add a line point.
  3. Tags menu implemented. Type in the new line tag and the line type will be displayed. As you click on lines, the lot and plan for the line will be displayed and the line type changed.
  4. Points in an unjoined lot are automatically re-numbered starting at point 1. This is necessary for lots created from strings in GeoSurvey as they may have high point numbers.
  5. These weights will now be applied in the adjustment for the following parcel types:
    compiled plans (lot type 16) Bearingssd = 300 seconds
    Distancessd = 200mm + 125 ppm
    digitized plans (lot type 17) Bearingssd = 3600 seconds
    Distancessd = 1 metre + 1000 ppm
    Lot types in the 8000 series will be treated as lot type 16
    Lot types in the 9000 series will be treated as lot type 17

GeoCadastre V3.11 27-Nov-2002
  1. Error corrected in the display of the dX and dY values in the Joining Box.
  2. Scale and rotation now displayed in the Joining Box.
  3. Mean two points implemented in the “Tools” menu.
  4. Show line points now operating in the “Tools” menu
  5. Add line point now operating in the “Tools” menu
  6. Delete line point now operating in the “Tools” menu
  7. Show Square Offset from F4 is now operating

GeoCadastre V3.10 25-Nov-2002
  1. Bug fixed in print out of lot reports – (residuals were not printed and drawing was screwed up.)
  2. For users in the NT, if the LAIS code is entered in columns 3,4 and 5 on the “70” record, it will be appended to the front of the lot number followed by a colon. i.e., lot 2436 with LAIS code 550 will appear as 550:2436.
  3. Across road connections now calculated correctly for feet and links input.
  4. Information box now provided for additional closing lines in a parcel.
  5. Problem fixed when renumbering points during the un-joining of a complex parcel.
  6. When a parcel is saved at the end of an editing session, across road connections will be calculated for all pairs of lines type 2 If a road width is not entered for a line, the connection will not be calculated for either end of that line. If the CANCEL button is pressed, the program will stop generating across road connections. This is useful when editing a parcel where the across road connections have been computed on a previous editing session.

GeoCadastre V3.09 20-Nov-2002
  1. When adding control, the new point can be selected by mouse, and the current position of the point will be displayed as the control coordinates.
  2. Show parcel menu added for joined parcels and the lots can be selected by mouse.
  3. Lines can be added to a joined parcel using the “change” option and number of lines can be added provided that coordinates can be computed for the new corners from the “joined” corners.
  4. Program returns to parcel admin menu after joining and editing.
  5. Line codes greater than 1000 can now be used
  6. The Admin screen now allows changes to date, lot code and area for joined lots.
  7. The joining process has been improved.
  8. A problem has been corrected in dealing with inactive control points in the adjustment.
  9. Info box provided at the end of the adjustment with stats.

GeoCadastre V3.08 15-Oct-2002
  1. Find point (F2) finds the closest point with the left mouse button and the next closest point with the right mouse button. This is useful for finding duplicate points.
  2. When moving the job on to control, the co-ordinates for the position of each lot number are now transformed as well as the co-ordinates for each point.
  3. Fixed a bug caused when forming strings when reading in a job in the old file format( .par etc).
  4. Now reads the Datum Card (type 60) from the .dat file when reading a job from the old format.
  5. When un-joining a lot, any control points exclusively attached to it will now be deleted.
  6. When entering a new lot, if any lots in the plan have been entered before, the date, units and lot code will be copied from the previous lot in that plan.

GeoCadastre V3.07 15-Sep-2002
  1. Reports Menu now includes an option to print out a list of all plans followed by a list of all lots in sorted order.
  2. Line points now incorporated in all strings.
  3. Angle mode can be toggled on or off with the tick box at the top left corner of the dialogue box. The first line must have a bearing and subsequent bearing fields are for angles. Each angle is on the right of the traverse measured from the previous line to the current line
  4. Curves can be specified by arc length by entering the arc distance preceded by an A in the distance field. The chord distance will be calculated and written back to the distance field. If the bearing of the chord is not available, leave that field blank and it will be calculated as well. If the bearing is not available the preceding line must be a tangential straight or a tangential curve.
  5. Connections across roads can now be automatically generated if lines with a road frontage have a line tag of between 20 and 2
  6. When the parcel is saved, the system will ask for the road width for each road line and will then compute and add the “across road” connections. If a road width is not entered, the connection will not be computed.
  7. In joining, the right mouse button is now used for selecting lines and the left mouse button for points.
  8. When entering a new lot for an existing plan, the plan date, plan units and lot code will be set up automatically from the last lot entered for that plan.

GeoCadastre V3.06 3-Sep-2002
  1. Program now aligned with GeoSurvey
  2. Old cadastral files can now be read in. Only the .PAR, .PTS and .DAT are used. The strings are rebuilt from the parcels as they are read in. The .DAT file is only used to read in the control data.
    For the strings:
    Lots are on Lots layer, full line in Black
    Connections are on Connections layer, dotted line in blue.
    Radial Lines are on Radial Line layer, dot dash line in yellow.
    Easements are on easements layer, dashed lines in brown.
    There is no provision to write old files and there is no guarantee that CAD20 will be able to use all the features in the .ACS files created by GEOCADASTRE.

GeoCadastre V3.05 19-August-2002
  1. Program has been restructured to allow it to include and manipulate strings and deal with layers. This is part of the process to align GeoCadastre and GeoSurvey so that they can be used on the same file without either program destroying data set up by the other program. This alignment is not yet complete for GeoCadastre.
  2. Curves are now drawn during the editing and joining process.
  3. Bug removed when printing out large adjustments.

GeoCadastre V3.04 4-July-2002
  1. Parcel Edit now implemented with parcel being drawn as data is entered or changed.
  2. Feet and inches and quadrant bearing input now implemented.
  3. Parcel Joining implemented. Note that all selection is carried out with the left mouse button. When joining, the lot can be dragged with the mouse by holding on to the lot number with the left mouse button down. The lot will rotate to the join azimuth after two points have been selected.
  4. Autojoin is now implemented

GeoCadastre V3.03 14-January-2002
  1. Adjustment altered to directly access the ATA array
  2. Curved lines are now drawn correctly
  3. Line points are now checked before adjustment proceeds.
  4. A check is made for any “Close points” before adjustment proceeds.

GeoCadastre V3.02 30-June-2001
  1. Options to Force Line Points and to “Straighten Lines” added to the adjustment.
  2. Mapinfo Output added.

GeoCadastre V3.01 19-Feb-2001
  • Base system operating for adjustments using data from the .ACS file created with Ver 3 of CAD10 and CAD20.